A curated list of resources on implicit neural representations, inspired by awesome-implicit-representations.
Implicit Neural Representations (INR) have long been an intriguing topic, and in recent years, several classic works on implicit neural representations have emerged. However, there has been a lack of a comprehensive repository to organize these works. Some similar repositories stopped updating in recent years, leaving the latest papers on implicit neural representations uncollected. Therefore, I have created this repository with the hope of organizing the development trajectory of this field as I read through the latest papers.
- [2023 ICCV] Implicit Neural Representation in Medical Imaging: A Comparative Survey Amirali Molaei et al.
Papers below will be classified and organized soon...
[2024 CVPR] Improved Implicit Neural Representation with Fourier Reparameterized Training Shuhang Gu et al.
[2023 CVPR] Regularize implicit neural representation by itself Zhemin Li et al.
[2024 CVPR] Is Vanilla MLP in Neural Radiance Field Enough for Few-shot View Synthesis? Hanxin Zhu et al.
[2020 ECCV] NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis Pratul P. Srinivasan et al.
[2022 ECCV] R2L: Distilling Neural Radiance Field to Neural Light Field for Efficient Novel View Synthesis Huan Wang et al.
[2020 NeurIPS] Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions Vincent Sitzmann et al.
[2022 ECCV] TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields Anpei Chen et al.
[2022 CVPR] Direct Voxel Grid Optimization: Super-fast Convergence for Radiance Fields Reconstruction Cheng Sun et al.
[2024 arXiv] FreSh: Frequency Shifting for Accelerated Neural Representation Learning Adam Kania et al.
[2022 SIGGRAPH] Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding Thomas Müller et al.
[2023 arXiv] NeRN -- Learning Neural Representations for Neural Networks Maor Ashkenazi et al.
[2024 CVPR] SketchINR: A First Look into Sketches as Implicit Neural Representations Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay et al.