A collection of samples that demonstrate how to call the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API from C#.
This sample requires .NET Core 2.0 or later. That means using Visual Studio 2017, or the command line. Visual Studio 2015 users can use this older sample.
Follow the set-up instructions in the documentation.
Enable APIs for your project. Click here to visit Cloud Platform Console and enable the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API.
From a Powershell command line, run the QuickStart sample:
PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\video\api\QuickStart> dotnet restore PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\video\api\QuickStart> dotnet run animal cat cat like mammal domestic long haired cat kitten maine coon nature pet small to medium sized cats tabby cat whiskers
And run Analyze to analyze videos:
PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\video\api\Analyze> dotnet restore PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\video\api\Analyze> dotnet run Analyze 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2017 Analyze ERROR(S): No verb selected. shots Print a list shot changes. safesearch Analyze the content of the video. labels Print a list of labels found in the video. help Display more information on a specific command. version Display version information.
PS C:\...Analyze> dotnet run shots "gs://cloudmleap/video/next/fox-snatched.mp4" Start Time Offset: 0 End Time Offset: 963550 Start Time Offset: 998320 End Time Offset: 5971534 Start Time Offset: 6006304 End Time Offset: 6969854 Start Time Offset: 7004624 End Time Offset: 8002944 ...
- See TESTING.md