A collection of samples that demonstrate how to call the Google Cloud Spanner API from C#.
This sample requires .NET Core 2.0 or later. That means using Visual Studio 2017, or the command line. Visual Studio 2015 users can use this older sample.
Follow the set-up instructions in the documentation.
Enable APIs for your project. Click here to visit Cloud Platform Console and enable the Google Cloud Spanner API.
In the Cloud Console, create a Cloud Spanner instance and then create a database on that instance.
, and replace YOUR-PROJECT-ID with id of the project you created in step 1. Also, update "my-instance" and "my-database" with the id's of the instance and database you created in step 3. -
From a Powershell command line, run the QuickStart sample:
PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\spanner\api\QuickStart> dotnet run Hello World
And run the Spanner sample to see a list of subcommands:
PS C:\...\dotnet-docs-samples\spanner\api\Spanner> dotnet run Spanner 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2018 Spanner ERROR(S): No verb selected. createSampleDatabase Create a sample Cloud Spanner database along with sample tables in your project. createDatabase Create a Cloud Spanner database in your project. deleteSampleData Delete sample data from sample Cloud Spanner database table. insertSampleData Insert sample data into sample Cloud Spanner database table. querySampleData Query sample data from sample Cloud Spanner database table. addColumn Add a column to the sample Cloud Spanner database table. writeDataToNewColumn Write data to a newly added column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. queryNewColumn Query data from a newly added column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. queryDataWithTransaction Query the sample Cloud Spanner database table using a transaction. readWriteWithTransaction Update data in the sample Cloud Spanner database table using a read-write transaction. addIndex Add an index to the sample Cloud Spanner database table. addStoringIndex Add a storing index to the sample Cloud Spanner database table. queryDataWithIndex Query the sample Cloud Spanner database table using an index. queryDataWithStoringIndex Query the sample Cloud Spanner database table using an storing index. readStaleData Read data that is ten seconds old. insertStructSampleData Insert sample data that can be queried using Spanner structs. queryDataWithStruct Query sample data in the sample Cloud Spanner database table using a Spanner struct. queryDataWithArrayOfStruct Query sample data in the sample Cloud Spanner database table using an array of Spanner structs. queryDataWithStructField Query data sample data in the sample Cloud Spanner database table using a field in a Spanner struct. queryDataWithNestedStructField Query data sample data in the sample Cloud Spanner database table using a field in a nested Spanner struct. batchInsertRecords Batch insert sample records into the database. batchReadRecords Batch read sample records from the database. addCommitTimestamp Add a commit timestamp column to the sample Cloud Spanner database table. updateDataWithTimestamp Update data with a newly added commit timestamp column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. queryDataWithTimestamp Query data with a newly added commit timestamp column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. createTableWithTimestamp Create a new table with a commit timestamp column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. writeDataWithTimestamp Write data into table with a commit timestamp column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. queryNewTableWithTimestamp Query data from table with a commit timestamp column in the sample Cloud Spanner database table. querySingersTable Query data from the sample 'Singers' Cloud Spanner database table. queryAlbumsTable Query data from the sample 'Albums' Cloud Spanner database table. insertUsingDml Insert data using a DML statement. updateUsingDml Update data using a DML statement. deleteUsingDml Delete data using a DML statement. updateUsingDmlWithTimestamp Update the timestamp value of specifc records using a DML statement. writeAndReadUsingDml Insert data using a DML statement and then read the inserted data. updateUsingDmlWithStruct Update data using a DML statement combined with a Spanner struct. writeUsingDml Insert multiple records using a DML statement. writeWithTransactionUsingDml Update data using a DML statement within a read-write transaction. updateUsingPartitionedDml Update multiple records using a partitioned DML statement. deleteUsingPartitionedDml Delete multiple records using a partitioned DML statement. listDatabaseTables List all the user-defined tables in the database. deleteDatabase Delete a Spanner database. dropSampleTables Drops the tables created by createSampleDatabase. help Display more information on a specific command. version Display version information.
PS > dotnet run createSampleDatabase your-project-id my-instance my-database Waiting for operation to complete... Database create operation state: Ready Operation status: RanToCompletion Created sample database my-database on instance my-instance
- See TESTING.md