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Tao Sauvage edited this page Aug 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the CANToolz wiki!

Here we also collect use-cases and example of CANToolz usage. It can be used by enthusiasts, who want to make own connected-car solution, by security researches who want to make car's system more secure, and by automotive developers who need simple efficient framework for security development. We will try to disclose all possible use-cases and stories. All of them based on real experience of CANToolz user's community!

CANToolz use-cases

  1. Black-Box analyzing:
  1. Fuzzing and vulnerability analysis:
  1. Testing and validation in R^D:
  • TBD
  1. Creating OWN modules:

This framework can be used as:

  • Automated tests framework (on CAN bus)
  • CAN ECU/tests prototyping
  • Blackbox analysis of CAN traffic
  • Traffic replay
  • MITM
  • Fuzzing
  • UDS scanning

CANToolz supports UDS and ISO-TP.

CANToolz modules HELP:

WEB GUI Screenshot:

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