The notebook presents a pipeline to predict Housing Prices, given 79 features that might influence the prices. The project utilizes KNN in order to make the predictions and K Means Clustering to analyze the data. Then, the model is deployed via Gradio. The following methodology has been used for the same:
A) Segregation of Features: Features are segregated into three segments: Continuous, Categorical Values, Discrete Numerical Values
B) Exploratory Data Analysis
Metrics/Toos Used: Coefficient of Variation, Box Plots, Correlation Matrix
Outcome: To analyze the outliers, Relevance of certain features, and correlation between features
C) Data Preprocessing
I) Removing features with a huge amount of missing data
II) Imputation of Missing data for remaining columns via KNN Imputation for Numerical Data (continuous and discrete both)
III) Mode-Based Imputation of Object-typed Categorical Values
IV) Winsorizing of data to remove outliers
V) Removing the features which have a Coefficient of Variation of less than or equal to 1
VI) Splitting Object and Num type features and tokenizing Object-typed features, then combining the data
VII) Elimination of features based on a Mutual Info Classification Threshold (heuristically determined threshold)
VIII) Scaling the data via minmax scaler
D) Fitting the data in a KNN Model (n = 19)
E) Evaluation of Root Mean Squared Error of log of the output (RMSE = 0.19838051208068913)
F) Implementing K-Means Clustering for insights into the model (No useful insights obtained)
G) Building a user-friendly interface using Gradio
- pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, csv, sklearn, scipy, warnings
- openai, tiktoken, kaleido, cohere, typing-extensions, jiwer, gradio typing-extensions, cast_control==0.10.11
Important Instructions:
- train.csv and test.csv must be in the same directory as that of the .ipynb file to successfully load them.
- Kernel Must be restarted post installation of the packages and modules mentioned in point (2) to import gradio successfully.
Submission.csv contains the Predicted Sale Price values for the test dataset