This documentation allows you to control SpaNET WiFi controllers which can be found in Vortex/SpaNET spa's. If your spa works with the SpaNET SpaLINK app, this documentation will help you automate and integrate control of it into your own code.
- Homebridge: homebridge-spanet Github
Thanks to @devbobo's original work and inspiration to make this full API.
Also thanks to @thehoff for contributions and assistance developing this.
Note - SpaNET have now moved to a much easier to work with endpoint-based API, see #4
Please email for the new Swagger documentation and/or sample code
Q - Which spa companies produce spa's using the SpaNET spa controller and are compatible with the SmartLINK module?
SpaNET spa controllers can be found in a variety of Vortex, Oasis and many other brand spas/swim spas/spa pools.
Q - If my spa has a compatible SpaNET controller without WiFi, can I make my own SmartLINK module?
This should be possible, and testing to successfully make and program a homemade SmartLINK compatible module is currently underway. This will be updated if it is completed and a documentation is decided to be released about it.