Tags: BRAIN-TO/GIRFReco.jl
## GIRFReco v0.1.2 [Diff since v0.1.1](v0.1.1...v0.1.2) **Merged pull requests:** - Code modifications in the 2nd round review of JOSS paper. (#26) (@nbwuzhe) - Update README.md; added Getting Started section inspired by MRIReco (#28) (@mrikasper) **Closed issues:** - plot_sense_maps missing arg (#25)
## GIRFReco v0.1.1 [Diff since v0.1.0](v0.1.0...v0.1.1) **Merged pull requests:** - Joss review response (#4) (@nbwuzhe) **Closed issues:** - Wrong link to manuscript in README.md (#2) - Recommending Development Environments? (#3) - Setting up dev description (#5) - Ref in readme not functional (#6) - Code for generating the figures (#8) - Config files and root directory (#9) - General comments on style of coding (#10) - Add more installation details for users new to Julia (#11) - Reduction of strong dependencies in Project.toml (#12) - Automated tests (#13) - Running the example phantom recon (#14) - Specifying echo times (#15) - Examples in documentation do not show images of the results (#16) - Add Contributing.MD (#17) - Organization of package files (#18) - Package automated workflows (#19) - Documentation for exported functions (API) (#20)