Wondering what packages or scripts are scoped to what policies? Or what configuration profiles contain a certain payload? Need an overview of all your network segments? How about finding out what object(s) smart/static groups are attached to? Object info looks to summarize these things and more.
Download: Object Info
Current Searches:
- Find policies that update inventory.
- Find what triggers are used in what policies.
- Find IP range, default share name, and URL associated with a network segment.
- Find what policies and prestages a package is associated with.
- Find what policies a printer is associated with.
- Find what policies a script is associated with.
- Find what policies, configuration profiles, and apps a computer group is associated with.
- Find what configuration profiles, and apps a device group is associated with.
- Find macOS configuration profiles containing a particular payload.
- Find iOS configuration profiles containing a particular payload.
- Find where extension attributes (computer/mobile device) are used in groups and advanced searches along with the type of EA (script, pop-up, LDAP..).
Unused objects are not displayed. For example, if a package is not used in either a policy or prestage it will not be listed. Policies that are disabled can be identified with the text [disabled] displayed in the frequency column.
2024-12-19: Version 3.1.1 - Better handling of shared settings. Sequoia introduced additional security around data stored in ~/Library/Group Containers that results in a prompt to access existing settings. This should give a one time prompt to allow access.
2024-12-19: Version 3.1.0 - Add scanning for printers in policies (issue #22). Unable to replicate crash on scanning prestages for packages but made modifications that may address the issue (#24).
2024-09-27: Version 3.0.0 - Address issues 16, 19, and 20. Add login window and update UI.
2024-01-24: Version 2.0.2 - Fix issue with version lookup on Jamf Pro 11.
2023-07-14: Version 2.0.1 - Add scan of extension attributes in advanced searches display (issue #14). Provide information if an EA is used in an advanced search for criteria and/or display.
2022-10-08: Version 2.0.0 - Additional details on various objects. Summary of policies and profiles that include scope, limitations, and exclusions - imitations and exclusions for LDAP user groups only. Extension attribute usage along with the type of attribute. PreStages are now scanned for profiles and packages.
2022-03-08: Version 1.5.2 - Resolve app hanging due to computerconfigurations being removed.
2022-01-08: Version 1.5.0 - Add execution frequency to update inventory and trigger searches. Add option to view log folder under View menu. For Jamf Pro 10.35 and later authenticate using a bearer token generated from the Jamf Pro API.
2021-12-15: Version 1.4.2 - Fixed issue where policy/script lookups may hang when computer configurations exist. Added an alert in the event one or more lookups fail.
2021-11-27: Version 1.4.0 - Fixed issues with extension attribute and group lookups. Added ability to report on policy trigger usage.
2021-10-17: Version 1.2.1 - Fixed crash due to login trigger being removed from Jamf Pro
2021-09-05: Version 1.2.0 - Added computer and mobile device extension attribute usage. Scans groups and advanced device searches to see if they are used.
2021-06-17: Version 1.1.3 - Fix crash when config profile has no payload.
2021-01-14: Version 1.1.1 - Added ability to sort column results. Fixed some issues where scoped objects were not listed.