this program genrate the opposite color using the color hex code. example ==> opposite of color #FFFFFF (white) is #000000 (black)
every 2 charcter of this code can be converted to an int between 0 to 255.
#2f4ab2 ==> red: 2f, green: 4a, blue:b2 ==> conver hex to 10 base int.
after calculating the main number int we find its complementary int.
after that convert that int into hex and concatenate them.
how to run :
- clone the code locally in your device.
- channge your directory to the project dirctory
- install flask using pip
pip install flask
- set the enviroment var
in windows andexport
for linux and mac - run the server
flask run
- open browser and go to
(you can see the right url after running the server)