• Application: Explore
It is not easy to find visiting places in a foreign land. This can be one of the best traveler apps all around when they are out of station for holidays. It will pinpoint all the famous tourist spots, restaurants and popular things to try in that location so the users can enjoy to the fullest. The app will be implemented in both React Native and iOS Native.
• Users and Functionalities
The application will two different types of users (roles) described below. • admin: Can log into application. Can add/edit/delete tourist attractions. Can view different statistics about regular users through charts (e.g. the tourist attractions preferred by different users by location). • regular user: Can sign up. Can log into application. Can request a new password by email (if forgotten. Can see a list of famous tourist destinations by location and category(where to eat/drink/visit) and details(pictures, exact location, ratings, menu/reviews for restaurants etc) about them upon selection. When selecting an item a chart showing the ages of the users who prefer it is also shown. Users will be notified when a new location is added nearby.
• The native iOS application
It will use ARKit to display information about a tourist attractions directly on screen when the user walks around and views the locations through the phone camera(ex: the name and rating of a restaurant, the artist of a famous sculpture etc). Another idea is leaving messages and pictures for contacts to see when they visit that place. A notification could be sent to the user when this scenario occurs. The user will be able to see a map of the places he has visited and add pictures, notes, recording etc (travel diary).