HtmlCss cource homework
- homework 1
- homework 2
- homework 3
- homework 4
- homework 5
- homework 6 , макет psd
- homework 7 , макет psd
- homework 8 , макет psd
Чтобы скачать нажмите кнопку 'Clone' и нажмите 'Download ZIP'
In each folder you can find task.txt file with homework task
Usefull plagins
- Auto-save on windows change
- Beautify HTML, Less
- Emmet
- Caniuse
- W3C Validation
- Less compile
- Settings Sync
- Stylelint for css
- EsLint for js
How to install brackets on debian(libcurl3 libcurl4 problem solved)
- Download the .deb installer file
- Inside the folder your downloaded the file run dpkg-deb -R ./Brackets.Release.1.12.64-bit.deb Brackets
- Edit file Brackets/DEBIAN/control and replace libcurl3 with libcurl4
- Rebuild .deb installer running dpkg-deb -b Brackets Brackets-fixed.deb
- Install Brackets using the fixed installer running sudo dpkg -i Brackets-fixed.deb