Photo-Gallery app (Like google drive, but only for images)
- Node js
- Express
- MySql
- JWT for user authentication and authorization.
- Create Albums
- Upload images into Albums.
- DownLoad Individual Images
- DownLoad A whole Albums at once (compressed)
- user SignUp / Sign In end points
- authenticate the user using JWT (build JWT, Verify JWT)
- Authentication and Authorization Middle Wares.
- Album CRUD EndPoints.
- Images Crud EndPoints.
- Build MySql Data Base to store user information.
- change the storage from the server file System to Object store (local object store data base | AWS S3 | ...) [for learning purpose].
- connect the server to MySql data base Hosted on AWS EC2 Instance ( for 1 day )
- Host the server IN AWS EC2 instance ( for 1 day )