AIV_seeker is optimized for detecting and identification of Avian Influenza Virus from metagenomics data.
conda env create -f AIV_seeker_env.yml
git clone
source activate aiv_seeker
Usage: perl -i run_folder -o result_folder
-i path for NGS fastq file directory
-o result folder
-s step number
step 1: Generate the fastq file list
step 2: Generate QC report
step 3: Quality filtering and merging
step 4: First search by Diamond
step 5: Cluster reads
step 6: Second search by BLAST
step 7: Remove chimeric sequences
step 8: cross-contamination detection
step 9: Detect subtype
step 10: Generate report
-f run the current step and following steps (default false), no parameter
-b BSR score (default 0.4)
-m margin of BSR score (default 0.3)
-p percentage of concordant subtype (default 0.9)
-t number of threads
-h display help message
-l overlap level (default 0.7)
-x threshold for identity (default 90%)
-z threshold for chimeric check (default 90%)
-c identity for clustering when dealing with cross-talking (default 0.97)