- Voice: Yeongjin Kim
- 2 hours audio file (15 minutes of speaking & 1 hour 45 minutes of singing)
- Mono channel 16bit 44,100khz
- .wav file
- No backgroun sound (Noise removal)
- Constant voice size
- The tone is constant, but the range is varied
- Voice volume normalize
- Split by 10 seconds (650 audio files)
- New open source singing voice conversion project dedicated to the development of free AI voice changer software that can be popularized on personal computers.
- Its training and synthesis have much lower requirements for computer hardware
- The training time can be shortened by orders of magnitude, which is close to the training speed of RVC.
- When performing real-time voice changing, the hardware resource consumption of this project is significantly lower than that of SO-VITS-SVC,but probably slightly higher than the latest version of RVC.
- Reduce tone leakage by replacing the source feature to training-set feature using top1 retrieval.
- Easy and fast training, even on relatively poor graphics cards.
- Training with a small amount of data also obtains relatively good results (>=10min low noise speech recommended)
- Supporting model fusion to change timbres (using ckpt processing tab->ckpt merge)
- Easy-to-use Webui interface.
- Use the UVR5 model to quickly separate vocals and instruments.
- 10,000 Epochs
- 4 hours 30 minutes
- 600 Epochs
- 1 hours 20 minutes