A complete suite of ROS 2 packages for the Aegis UR5e cobot station.
: The meta-package for referencing all project dependencies.- aegis_control: Launch files dedicated to the hardware drivers based on the ros2_control framework.
- aegis_bringup: The main launch file.
- aegis_description: The description and configuration files of the Aegis robot station.
- aegis_moveit_config: The configuration to run the MoveIt 2 framework.
mkdir -p ~/ceai_ws
cd ~/ceai_ws
git clone -b humble-devel https://github.com/AGH-CEAI/aegis_ros.git src/aegis_ros
Check the aegis_docker repository for the Dockerfile.
cd ~/ceai_ws/src/aegis_docker
docker build . -t ceai/aegis_dev:latest
#TODO add more examples
toolbox create --image localhost/ceai/aegis_dev
toolbox enter aegis_dev
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
rosdep init
mkdir -p ~/ceai_ws
cd ~/ceai_ws
git clone -b humble-devel https://github.com/AGH-CEAI/aegis_ros.git src/aegis_ros
vcs import src < src/aegis_ros/aegis/aegis.repos
rosdep update --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install --from-paths src -y -i
colcon build --symlink-install
source ./install/local_setup.bash
See the aegis_bringup package.
This project uses various tools for aiding the quality of the source code. Currently most of them are executed by the pre-commit
. Please make sure to enable its hooks:
pre-commit install
This repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0, see LICENSE for details.