This repository contains some encrypted files for private use, secured with
age. Ensure that you have age
and save the secret to the pass store.
Additionally, update the recipient key in the Git configuration file.
- Install Gnu Stow
- Run
- Run
make rice
to installtokyonight
theme as the default theme
- Terminal: St
- WM: Dwm
- Menu: fzf-menu
- Shell: zsh
- Font: Nerd Fonts
- Shell: zsh
- Multiplexer: tmux
- Editor: Neovim
- PDF viewer: zathura
- Video Player: mpv
- Syntax highlighting bat, delta
- ls: eza
- Email:
- Image Viewer: nsxiv
- Browser: qutebrowser
- Notification: dunst
- RSS:
- File Manager:
- Gaming: Steam, Bottles (flatpak), Faugus, MangoHud