Report an Inaccuracy
Unless otherwise noted, all information presented in our local crime coverage is based on information received from area law enforcement agencies, their public information officers and/or other public records. If you believe that an item is in error or if you are aware of new facts in a case, we are happy to make amendments or updates to our reporting once we are presented with satisfactory official documentation or affidavit citing this information.
Please note that arrests, criminal charges, and mugshots are all matters of public record, and may not be removed from our publications.
If you have relevant documents to submit, or if you have noticed an inaccuracy in our published content that does not involve the above concerns, please contact our editor.
We recognize that the matters we report deeply affect those involved and that honoring our responsibility to the general interest of the local community requires the highest standard of ethics. We thank you for your interest and cooperation in this endeavor.