[CC] OroroBlueYoukai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blueyoukai/art/CC-Ororo-783622145BlueYoukai

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[CC] Ororo




I've joined Creature Crossing and I'm gonna have fun with that 8D Though I've never played Animal Crossing before.
I converted my fursona to a villager c:

[Edit 14/05/23: I dug out the approval comment and almost fried my computer in the process]
[Edit 27/09/23: Ororo makes a questionable decision and ends up with new powers as well as some very mixed feelings about Flint]

Name: Ororo
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Birthday: January 7
Species: Domestic cat
Catchphrase: " 'Kay" (used rarely, usually in a questioning manner)
Quote: "There's got to be a solution to this!"
Character Type: Normal

Applied potions:

Ororo has been willingly cursed (blursed?) by Flint's clone, which has granted her the following abilities:
- flight (retractable wings)
- functional wing eyes
- telekinesis
- ability to switch between all four seasons
- inability to speak the word "Flint"

Bonded familiar: Malpighi

Personality: Calm, quiet and a bit socially awkward. Good listener, not much of a talker (unless with friends). Very logical and straight to the point on the outside, but also pretty sensitive on the inside. Selectively observant - she may spot minor details on one occasion and not notice the person in front of her on the other. Likes to go into unnecessary details. Happy to follow all rules - unless they really are ridiculous. She will be glad to share all her knowledge in order to help you with something she's familiar with. She also supports originality. Mainstream = usually overrated.

History: Ororo is basically a young adult who's looking for her place in the world. She's from Loverock - a city that's all about lovey-dovey stuff, which she wasn't very keen on. She moved out as soon as she finished her studies as she couldn't put up with one of her parents anymore. Lilypad seemed to be a calm, promising and NORMAL place to settle in, so she gave it a try. Hopefully she will meet some awesome people to talk to and rely on!
In February 2020, Ororo was joined by Malpighi, a half-tamed rook, that became her familiar over a year later.

:note: Her tail stripes vary in thickness; there's 5 of them and they go: thin-medium-thick-medium-thin. :note:

Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Call her by her full name. "Ro" is for childhood friends only. Disapproves of any other form of her name.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon A bit nerdy at heart, passionate about learning anything there is to know about ferals of all kind. Also a potion geek.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Easy to startle with a sudden noise. She may hiss at the source.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Absolutely despises the stench of cigarette smoke.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Dislikes coffee. If its smell combines with cigarette smoke, she will be out of the room before you know it.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon It usually takes her a longer while to memorize names. Funny associations help a lot.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Has cold hands most of the time.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Takes good care of her claws, even though she always keeps them retracted and uses them solely as handy tools for opening stuff.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Avoids major changes unless they are absolutely necessary.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Her pupils become vertical when she's very deeply upset or just downright pissed off.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Has a degree in waste management. If you burn your household waste, she WILL find you.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Campfires make her nostalgic.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon She loves drawing (mostly characters, sometimes fancy items, never landscapes).
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon She also enjoys making waxed cord bracelets for people she likes. Sometimes makes origami as well.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Has troubles leafbinding certain items in a "standard" way - the more she's attached to the item or the more thoughts she has on it, the more it is difficult for other people to open the leaf containing said item. It usually has a different, personalized name as well. Money is the only thing she learned to leafbind correctly 100% of the time.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon Keeps a small dung beetle farm in an empty room upstairs because she finds dung beetles cute. The door is airtight enough to contain the smell of deer dung she collects by the forest border. [UPDATE: she sold them and currently keeps the oldest one]
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon She wants to believe in people's good intentions.
Animal Crossing Leaf mini icon There is a very clear difference between an acquaintance and a friend. You won't become the latter immediately.

character & art (c) BlueYoukai 
You're not authorized to use this work in any way.

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1115x798px 160.7 KB
© 2019 - 2025 BlueYoukai
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YunYunFox's avatar
I love her design <3 ! and the personality she has!
and the interactions a saw .u.
her name and her designs together remind be a lot of OREOs and i love these
Can my Ben approach her in some way?