[AA2] Mochila Jason

9 min read

Deviation Actions

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"En el momento en que te digan que no eres bueno en algo es momento de demostrar que no eres bueno, sino el mejor".

[Jason Kahler | 17 |  | 1.81 - 79 kg | Hoenn - Ciudad Ferrica] 
Bullet Point Circle Pattern - PinkBullet Point Circle Pattern - Pink  
Pokémon Showdown: 

[Ficha | Equipo pokémon | Cronología]

Dinero: $50.400
EXP: 50.140
P.E: 50

:DarkRed-orb:I N V E N T A R I O

Flame Heart Bullet Point - F2U by SuperHeroPattyFattyObjetos claves:
  • Hoenn Pokedex by Bloodys-ShedPokedex.
  • Mapa by ProfesoraHelenaMapa.
  • Videomisor.
  • Estuche de medallas

orange heart bullet by to-much-a-thingPOKEBALLS:
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioPokeball x8 Pokeball Revamp by Lugia-sea
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioOcasoball x10:thumb675081115:
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioUltraball x20 Ultraball by ProfesoraHelena
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioLujoball x10

orange heart bullet by to-much-a-thingCURATIVOS:
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioPoción x1 Pocion ( Potion ) by Bloodys-Shed
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioHiperpoción x1

orange heart bullet by to-much-a-thingEVOLUTIVOS:

Arrow left by Drawn-MarioTela terrible x1 Tela Terrible by GremioAltais
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioSaquito fragante x1 Saquito fragante by ProfesoraHelena

orange heart bullet by to-much-a-thingPOTENCIADORES:
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioTabla duende x1 Pixie Plate by AllPokeSprite
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioHechizo x1 Hechizo by ProfesoraHelena
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioGemas fantasmas x5
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioGemas psíquicas x5

orange heart bullet by to-much-a-thingOTROS:

Arrow left by Drawn-MarioRestos x1 Restos by GremioKratos
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioHuevo suerte x7 Huevo suerte by ProfesoraHelena
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioCaramelo raro x10 Caramelo Raro by ProfesoraHelena
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioNictostal Z x1
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioEspectrostal Z x1
Arrow left by Drawn-MarioRefleluz

Flame Heart Bullet Point - F2U by SuperHeroPattyFattyMT | MO
  • MT tipo fantasma ( MT Ghost type ) by Bloodys-ShedMT65 Garra Umbría

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