Ahjara | Hen | HealerChrissyMax on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chrissymax/art/Ahjara-Hen-Healer-633378749ChrissyMax

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Ahjara | Hen | Healer



I caved in. This is all strider's fault. :stare:
(I also apologize for the giant bricks of text below. That's my bad)

:new: Dragon added! Old Ref/Unobstructed Ref can be found here!

:star: For information on RP, breeding, and plotting, see this journal here! - Anomalous - RP and Breeding Season Stuff :star: 

Basic Information:

Name: Ahjara (A-shar-a) 
Nickname: sometimes “Jara” (with a soft “J”) by close friends and family, or "Red/Little Red" by her father and older brothers, although she thinks her full name is pretty and loves to just be called that.
Gender: Hen

Breed: Anomalous Equine.
Bloodline: 100% Saraph
Age: 22 yo (as of 2004)
Birth Season: Summer, Year 1982 of the New Generation.
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Light
Height: 9.2 hh.
Phenotype: Flaxen Sooty Red Dun (Noctis Carrier)
Genotype: ee/aa/nD/nSty/ff/nNoc
Design SheetFree Creation Design | Ahjara
Noctis Carrier added with Token #1159


  • Wings (Automatic)
  • Omnivorous Digestive System (Automatic)
  • Beak
  • Feathers 
  • Talons (front feet only)

Herd Information:

Herd: Saraph
Herd Rank: Healer; Part-Time Bartender for Second Oasis (formerly a full-time fire dancer for Second Oasis; currently "on break" as a dancer until she gets over her bad breakup)
Current Location: The Gardens of Elysia, Second Oasis (lived in Azrael's Jewelry Shop for a short time, from Winter of 1995 to Early Spring of 1997)

About Second Oasis:
Second Oasis is a decent little cabaret located on the opposite side of the gardens from the Sultan's Palace and the Honeycombs. It isn't the classiest establishment (like for the hoity toity merchants and folk like that), but neither is it the dingiest. Its a popular place for mercenaries to rest, pick up freelance work, eat, and socialize, etc.. - although every now and then merchants and slavers may stop in as well (usually to pick up mercenaries for hire), but they don't stay that long. There are a few rooms available for rent - should someone need a place to rest their head for the night, but the main attraction of Second Oasis is it's focus on entertainment, and its food (they're known for large, over sized portions (if ordered specifically)). A large stage takes up a good deal of space, and hosts entertainers from all walks of life (although the main money-makers are the dancers, theater troupes, and musicians)(they're always hiring entertainers, too - so there's often fresh faces/routines that pop up time to time). Some of the cabaret's regular entertainers actually live in and work for Second Oasis - going back generations and generations. Ahjara's folks don't own the place, but they are all practically family with the owners. Also, this isn't a brothel or some sort of peep show. You try to feel up a performer and your ass will be out on the street. Zero tolerance for that nonsense. They're classy.

Personal Information:

Sire: J’zhar Al-Jahir (Retired Mercenary)(NPC) (Deceased - born Spring of 1963, Died Summer 2001 (Old Age))
Dam: Ahdarji (Entertainer, Dancing Tutor)(NPC) (Alive - born Summer of 1970)

Half-Siblings (through sire): 

  • Arakh Al-Jahir (Mercenary)(NPC) (Alive - born Summer of 1977)
    • Amar Al-Jahir (Aspiring Mercenary)(NPC) (Alive - Born Spring 1995) 
    • Adara (Herd Member)(NPC) (Alive - Born Spring 1999) 
  • Khad Al-Jahir (Mercenary)(NPC) (Alive - born Summer of 1979)
    • Nadira (Herd Member)(NPC) (Alive - born Summer 2001)
  • J’zargo Al-Jahir (Mercenary)(NPC) (Alive - born Spring of 1980)

Mate(s):  Shierkhan | Tiercel | Sunstone Advisor (Winter, Year 1999 - Present Day)
(formerly was Azrael | Tiercel | Herdmember (Autumn, Year 1995- Late Spring, Year 1997)


Personal Inventory:

  • Meteorite Dragon Collar
    • A custom piece commissioned from the Jeweler, Azrael, in the Summer of 1995, and worn by her dragon, Khazdi as of Autumn of 1995- this collar is a one-of-a-kind work of art. Crafted from the space rock that Ahjara was gifted during the Meteorite Crisis of 1994, it ebbs a mysterious "otherworldly" energy, and looks very pleasing to the eye. Given how Khazdi and the meteorite both "came from" the crisis itself, Ahjara finds it more than fitting for her beloved companion. Plus, this piece was what eventually brought her into Azrael's harem later that same year (at least it gave her the chance to really catch his eye when he delivered it to her), so in addition to the sentimental value it had before, it's now extra-sentimental to her. | A Gift | The Commission | Flirting with Fire |
  • Wing Powder (Neutral)
    • This powder came off of the wings of a butterfly or moth. It's pretty rare to find this much bottled in one place. (Obtained from Roth's Shrine during the Spring of 1999.)
Note - if there's an item she has that your character would like, Ahjara IS up for trading, selling, gifting, etc..! Just let me know, because we'll have to trade it with a RP! 

Vain | Materialistic | Ambitious | Two-faced | Flirtatious | Perfectionist | Artistic | Stubborn

Who’s a pretty bird? Ahjara’s a pretty bird. She’s fully aware of that. Incredibly vain and haughty  - this hen thinks she’s all that and a bag of chips, and if you tell her otherwise she will refuse to believe you. She is certainly not above treating those below her like dirt; Never mind the fact that she was born from dirt, having been raised in a tavern, that’s totally not relevant to her anymore - nope! She ascended out of that situation and has never looked back since; and she’d kindly ask you not to look back there either. The best view is on her, not what she left behind.

Regardless of her snobby attitude, Ahjara is incredibly ambitious, proving so by being the first hen in several generations of hens in her family to leave the ‘family business’ and become something better than just a performer. That ambition is fueled by her desire to live a better life, one filled with gold, jewelry, and anything that glimmers just right in the light - or at least it once was (sort of). While she also wants to live a life of luxury, she would also like to live it alongside a tiercel she loves (after experiencing love, she think’s its a pretty sweet deal). It’s a tall order, but hey- Ahjara likes to have grand, ambitious goals! She’d do anything to ascend up the social ladder. While she may appear rash and rude, she's not completely without a heart. She does care for those close to her (namely her father, brothers, her mother (some what), and especially her only son, Azariah), but strangers need to show they're worth caring for to earn her love. Once you have it, though- she is incredibly hard to shake.

For the longest time, Ahjara’s surefire plan to a wealthy lifestyle was to simply be a gold-digger. She’d attract the attention of a wealthy tiercel, join his family, and BAM- instant wealth. For years in her youth, she’d go out in public wearing the finest silks and gems she could afford (which weren’t much), go out and buy herbs (to hopefully convey the message that she was, in fact, a healer - a desirable job), and hopefully attract some handsome man. Of course, her standards were incredibly high (she liked men with ambition, who were also either gold or red in color). That strategy did eventually work, as she had bagged a handsome jeweler in the process, but one thing she didn’t factor in was herself ever falling in love. She fell in love with the jeweler hard, and on realizing it was likely going to be a one-sided affair (something she feared, at least), she made the painful decision to leave him.

As far as her love-life now, Ahjara is still slowly coming off that heartbreak, and is more careful stepping into things now knowing this. The plan to be a gold-digger is still on, although, she wants a rich tiercel who would love her in return - not as a trophy, but as a hen- as stupid and cheesy as that definitely sounds. She also wants someone who would be a good father to her son - seeing how he likely could use a father-figure in his life (uncle-figures do not count - especially her brothers). So, her standards are the highest they’ve ever been in years - but hey, Ahjara doesn’t settle for anything less than perfect!

Raised as a performer, Ahjara is a proficient actress, singer, and dancer; although the only skill she actively uses in her day-to-day life is her acting. She can be one of the nicest, sweetest hens straight to your face; but behind your back, she’ll roast you alive if you deserve it. If you especially piss her off, you might see her insincere side come alive, but for the most part she keeps it safely tucked inside, only bringing it out for a select few people. However, the only time you'll ever really find her honest and sincere is when she's healing. Ok, maybe not completely sincere (if they're not on a death bed) - but sincere enough to make sure the patient is taken care of comfortable. In truth, she's a little bit of a softie when she's being sincerely nice; but call her out on it and see how long that "kindness" lasts. She accepts payments in the form of money, jewels, and/or compliments after the healing is done. Now a days, she does less dancing, and works more as a bartender when around Second Oasis. The same skills are still useful - especially when dealing with talkative customers.

With little else going on now, Ahjara focuses on herself and her loved ones first- caring little for outside politics, power struggles, etc.. unless they directly affect her or her family and friends. She continues to study medicine, particularly focusing in on studying dragons (since there doesn’t seem to be a market for dragon-vets around, and that could potentially be a niche market to make good cash in the future), and enjoys partaking in gossip with local customers (namely just to hear secrets - she really could care less for the lives of total strangers). In fact, she almost enjoys working behind the bar. Almost. Working as a healer and being a mother is more rewarding to her, though. 

((Her speaking voice and speaking patterns are similar to Indira Varma in this clip here and here ))


Ahjara was born as the only daughter between her father, J’zhar, and her mother, Ahdarji. For Ahdarji, Ahjara was her first fledgling, and was especially doted on and cared for. For J’zhar, who had only sired a small handful of other fledglings previously, Ahjara was his first daughter - and was especially loved by him. Her elder half-brothers, sons of J’zhar out of other performing hens, also greatly loved their new little sister. Needless to say, even though she had not been born the daughter of a Merchant family, she was spoiled as best as her family could spoil her.

For her early years, Ahjara was practically raised in a Tavern (well, more like a mix of a tavern and a cabaret) , as that was where her mother worked as an entertainer, and where her father frequently picked up his mercenary work. Once in a while her brothers would stop in and she'd accompany them though the gardens (and occasionally beyond)(much to her mother's disapproval) - but those excursions occurred every once in a blue moon. Overall, 90% of her life was spent inside walls. They didn’t have much of a home outside of that, but it did give her plenty of opportunities to meet new folk passing through, hear their stories, and learn how to sing and dance from some of her mother’s co-workers.

From her birth, Ahjara’s mother groomed her to follow in her footsteps, as her mother’s mother had done before. She had talent for it, and enjoyed it a lot, and with her fire magic she could make a pretty good life as a Fire dancer; but felt that if she took the job, she’d be stuck in the same cabaret for the rest of her life -or some other cabaret (they were all essentially the same to her). On trips she took with her father to the marketplace, she’d often see beautiful hens, adorned in gold and jewels, strutting alongside rich tiercels decked in the finest cloths she’d ever seen. Ahjara decided at an early age that she wanted that life- not the life her mother had- and she’d do absolutely anything to get it.

As she grew up into her teen years, she continued working alongside her mother - but actively sought ways to leave her service. On the rare instances a wealthy-looking tiercel would wander in, she’d put on the flirty-eyes and serve them whatever they wanted. Most enjoyed the special treatment by the fiery red hen, but left without her regardless. What wealthy merchant would want a tavern-hen in his harem, after all? Many other lower-ranking tiercels would actively try to pursue her, though - but with a stern tongue-lashing from both her and her overprotective father, they’d quickly flee the bar without a second thought.

Eventually, somewhere along the lines she discovered that healers were much more attractive to wealthier households, and decided that that would be the best change in career for her. Needless to say, her mother did not approve in the slightest- but her father was more than supportive of the idea. Scraping together whatever spare change he could find, J’zhar searched the Gardens from top to bottom for a healing tutor. Eventually, he found one willing to teach for the price he was able to pay, and at the age of 7, Ahjara left the Tavern to learn the art of healing.

Learning was tough for her, and her tutor didn’t make things much easier. She was an elderly hen, long in the tooth and not the easiest on the eyes. Ahjara always felt the old hag was jealous of her, purposely giving her near-impossible tasks just so she could have a good chuckle to herself upon seeing the red hen fail. Whether or not that was true, Ahjara refused to be mocked - so she worked overtime to learn all she could; she’d show the old nanny what she was capable of- she’d prove her wrong! Eventually, she did - and upon learning all she could from the elderly healer, promptly left her home and went out on her own into the world to learn the rest.

After leaving, she continued to learn and practice her craft, doing so to this day. Eventually, though, she realized that healing wasn't raking in all the coin she needed to "live" (Aka, be able to buy semi-nice things), so she went back to he cabaret and continued to work as a dancer part-time. Truth be told, she did like dancing - but she hated letting her mother feel satisfaction from her "Failing" as a healer out on her own. So, for a good while she continued to work in both worlds, and actively went out of her way to try and attract the attention of rich tiercels while out and about the marketplace. Unfortunately, not much ever came from that except ugly kind-of rich (but not rich enough) men looking at her and dirty mercenaries looking at her. Ahjara kindly (not so kindly) ignored them most of the time. 

In the Summer of 1994 was when she really got a life-lesson, in the form of a giant space meteor. When originally she wanted to head out and enjoy the night, maybe find love, etc... she soon changed her mind when the gardens got blown to bits. Together, with her brothers' help, she went out on the front lines and worked to save as many as she could (putting aside her normally selfish behavior to instead help her herd in a time of crisis)- but unfortunately, there were much more dead than alive. If anything, this was a wake up call to her, saying "become a better healer and less people will die", yet she went straight back to dancing most-of-the-time shortly afterwards (She needed that paycheck, man). Ahjara still regrets not being able to do more to this day, but you'll hardly see her cry about it (in the open, at least). (see More Important Things and A Gift).

That following autumn mysterious forces came to Saraph with offers of an alliance, and she happened to be in the crowd when they spoke. At first, she was very against the idea- but eventually, their promise of wealth and slaves to aid them in reconstruction sounded like a very tempting offer (she probably was persuaded most by the jewels the big shadowy guy threw out), so she reluctantly accepted the idea of help. Many others around her did not- and for good reasons, yet the herd needed the help, they could offer it, and if they said no - what's to say the shadowy guys wouldn't just come in and take everything over? No, the Alliance was the only thing that could help them from their troubling situation. For the rest of the year, she kept to herself- mainly trying to ignore the Sultan trials (as none of the candidates honestly seemed all that fitting and/or worthy to fill Taavetti's place, in her eyes at least) and do her own thing.

In Spring of 1995, she happened upon a strange creature in some of the rubble of the gardens (see Watch Out For Growling Rocks). After offering it a bit of food, it stuck to her and Ahjara could not part ways with it. Soon enough, she figured out it was a dragon and after seeing that it belonged to no one (That was still alive after the meteor crisis, at least), she took him in and named him Khazdi. It was actually thanks to Khazdi that she eventually met the jeweler, Azrael, who she would later wind up joining in his harem that following autumn (see The Commission and Flirting with Fireand mothering a young, four-winged red colt by the name of Azariah.

For a short time, things were seemingly going very well for Ahjara; she was out of the cabaret, mother of a seemingly ‘blessed’ son, and often paraded around along with him and her husband (usually sporting all sorts of jewelry, whenever Azrael sought to show something off and attract business. After all, she was an excellent model). Not all good things were meant to last forever, though. For starters, her brothers were contracted into the Sultans’ war with Auster, forced to leave and go fight on foreign soil. Not long after their departure, their father fell incredibly ill- prompting her remaining brother, J’zargo, to call for her help. Ahjara reluctantly listened, and agreed to leave with her son and take care of him full-time until he grew better. (see Some Time to Think)

In her time away, she figured plenty of things out. Most importantly, she was, in fact, in love with Azrael - something she had never felt before. However, she was not quite convinced that he felt the same way- and after weeks of isolation from the tiercel, she came to the painful decision to leave him - seeing how she was afraid of not getting the same love she had felt in return. Happy to have her back home, her mother apologized to her for her awful treatment of her goals and dreams (even if they were silly ones), and offered her a job back at the cabaret- although not the one she was used to. Instead, for the first time in her life, her mother did not want her to dance- and instead offered that she could do anything else, so long as it kept both her and her son close to home. So, Ahjara accepted the offer, now working as a part-time bartender (while also using a spare room upstairs to take care of the occasional patient or two- hey; it costs money to set up your own independent practice! Ahjara don't have that money!).(see This Isn't You)

So, that’s about where things are for her today. Like before, she is rather disinterested in current politics - relieved to see the Al-Taj brothers out of commission, but also not entirely thrilled by their replacement (a hen leading is just so unheard of! But hey- at least this one finally has a set of balls and doesn’t let foreign powers completely push them around). If anything, all the complicated politics brings in more heavy drinkers - and drinkers are always good for business. Besides that work, all Ahjara seems to care about now is getting back on her feet, getting back to her old self, and making sure her young son has all he needs to make something of himself as he grows up. She has since decided to pick herself up and try at growing her family some more, joining the harem of one of the Royal Councillors, Shierkhan, and mothering a new young daughter, Maharajah. She longs to continue her work as a healer- seeing how that would provide a more steady (richer) income for her and her son; but since her new association with Khan has landed her a bit more financial security, that need isn't as 'dire' anymore as it once was. She still seeks to strike out and find a way to make her own income - but seeing how her new situation has given her more "freedom" to do what she would like, healing isn't as much a "priority" for her now as it once was. In her spare time, she's taken to studying dragons- namely her own, Khazdi. Dragons really fascinate her. 

Skills & Talents:

Ability: Fleetfoot [+15 Agility Skill Cap]

Magic Type: Fire 
Magic Level: 100/100 [Master Level] 

Herbs/Medicine: 66/100 [Advanced Level] [Age Cap: 100 Points Max]
Agility: 38/115 [Medium Level] [115 Points Max]
Stamina: 28/100 [Medium Level] [Age Cap: 100 Points Max]
Strength: 1/25 [Basic Level] [Age Cap: 100 Points Max]

Experience: 4

Points Breakdown:
+14 Agility - Build Bonus
+10 Stamina - Build Bonus
+1 Strength - Build Bonus
+20 Herbs/Medicine 
+2 Magic - Reference Image
+20 Magic - Skill Boost (X-Mas 2016)
+20 Magic - Skill Boost (X-Mas 2016) 
+20 Magic - Skill Boost (X-Mas 2016)
+20 Magic - Skill Boost (Chocolate Nugget - Golden Anniversary Event)
+30 Herbs/Medicine - Updated Starter Bonus 

Big Water - Summer, Year 1986
+3 Stamina - Full-body + Detailed BG - Big Water
+1 Magic - Mini-Event Response (Art)
+5 Agility - 2000+ Word Lit [Skill Shown] 
+1 Magic - Mini-Event Response (Lit)

The Dancer - Summer, Year 1994
+3 Magic - Full-body + No BG/Simple BG [Skill Shown] 

More Important Things - Autumn, Year 1994
+ 4 Magic - 1000-1999 word lit [Skill Shown]

A Gift - Autumn, Year 1994
+4 Herbs - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown]

Deuteronomy | Saraph Mass RP - Part I - Autumn/Winter, Year 1994
+3 Magic - < 400 Word Lit + Collaborative Lit 
+1 Magic - Mini-Event Response (Lit)

Watch Out For Growling Rocks - Spring, Year 1995
+4 Agility - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown] 

Her Defender - Spring, Year 1995
+4 Agility - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown] 

An Evening Nap - Late Spring, Year 1995
+1 Herbs - Headshot/Partial-body + No BG/Simple BG 

Finders Keepers - Summer, Year 1995
+1 Agility - Headshot/Partial-body + No BG/Simple BG
+1 Agility - Event Response (Art)

The Commission - Summer, Year 1995
+5 Magic - 1000-1999 Word Lit + Collaborative Lit

Flirting with Fire - Autumn, Year 1995
+6 Agility - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown] + Collaborative Lit

Some Time to Think - Early Spring-Late Spring, Year 1997
+4 herbs - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown] 

This Isn't You - Early Summer, Year 1997
+3 herbs - 1000-1999 Word Lit 

A Night of Stars - Early Spring, Year 1999
+3 herbs - Full-body + Detailed BG 
+1 herbs - Mini-Event Response (Art)
+1 Experience - September 2018 Monthly Prompt Bonus

Throwin' Shit at a Shrine and Hopin' It Sticks! - Spring 1999
+6 stamina - 1000-1999 Word Lit [Skill Shown] + Collaborative Lit

Loneliness and Loss - Mid-Summer 1999
+2 stamina - 400-999 Word Lit 
+1 stamina - Mini-Event Response (Lit)
+1 Experience - Event Prompt | Your Worst Nightmare (October 2018)

An Impromptu Family Portrait - Late Summer 2000
+2 agility - Headshot/Partial-body + Detailed BG
+1 agility - Mini-Event Response (Art)
+1 experience - 'Love Is In The Air' Prompt Bonus

Training In The Sun - Autumn 2003
+5 stamina - Full-body + Detailed BG + Collaborative Art
+1 stamina - Mini-Event Response (Art)
+1 experience - February/March 2020 Monthly Prompt Bonus

Ahjara's Electric Dragon:
Dragon Name: Khazdi

About Khazdi:
While technically genderless, Ahjara believes her dragon to be a male and addresses him as such. Believed to have hatched sometime during the Meteor Shower Crisis in Autumn of 1994. He is incredibly high energy, playful and moves about in quick bursts. He does sleep, although usually not for long if there are interesting things about. A real troublemaker; enjoys harassing and tricking those he doesn't like, or those he believes are bothering Ahjara. His newest, most favorite victim is Ahjara's son, Azariah - although, if push came to shove, he still is very fond of the boy (albeit jealous of the extra attention he gets). Also prone to separation anxiety when kept away from her too long, and has been known to destroy things around him when upset. To counter this, Ahjara usually just carries him with her wherever she goes. Very fond of jerky.

Magic Type: Electric
Skill Boost+1 Magic Skill Point training boost.
Training Milestones:
- First Meeting Milestone - Watch Out For Growling Rocks
- Obedience Training Milestone - Her Defender
- Bonding Time Milestone - An Evening Nap

I am also aware that the cardinal markings like this are normally on male birds, but this is a made up place with made up things so eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh
Image size
1800x1700px 2.62 MB
© 2016 - 2025 ChrissyMax
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