Chateau Grief 68chateaugrief on DeviantArt

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Chateau Grief 68



and get me a cappuccino will you?  the peons have conniption fits whenever I walk into the break room.  

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Aging telepath Evil Overlord Xander has traded his youthful dream of joining the US military and using his superpowers to benefit humanity for over-the-hill cynicism, self-imposed exile on his private zoo-for-crazy-people Eynhallow Island, and a serious case of May-December midlife crisis.  And technically it's only kidnapping if she tries to leave.

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© 2016 - 2025 chateaugrief
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I'd feel sorry for Di if a lot of these problems weren't her fault. She instigated a duel with Xander, her proposed economic reforms involve a false-flag operation and lies, and there's no indication that her disbarment was wrongful. She's still a likable character, but, ya know, consequences ...

On another note, I've been wondering if those horns on Di's head real? It was mentioned earlier that she preformed rituals, so I'm wondering if one of them caused her to sprout horns (either intentionally or as a biproduct).