ProjectPorkchop Vol433

16 min read

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Astralseed's avatar

ProjectPorkchop is all about bringing more exposure to the many talented yet under appreciated artists going unseen on deviantART daily. The artists chosen truly deserve more attention based on low counts of favorites, comments, and watchers, added to their incredible artistic talent.


Dorothea is a digital artist from Germany. Corel Painter is her program of choice and with it, she creates beautiful classic style paintings with real vintage appeal. She takes great care to make her brushstrokes look textured as if they were hand painted on canvas which makes for quite a lovely effect. Her unique and charming collection is definitely something to see!

Die drei Kaetzchen by DoroForsterHommage a Sophie Gengembre Anderson by DoroForster
A Basket full of Tresures by DoroForsterChristmas Eve by DoroForster

Suggested by Niflem 
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Loïc is a professional digital artist from France. His amazing conceptual illustrations and fantastic sci-fi inspired works are truly a treat. His storytelling is wonderful and has a great sense of mystery that really draws the viewer in. He makes use of dynamic angles to really create the most interesting composition possible. This artist definitely deserves more attention for his stellar work!

Diablo3 by GrimdorLand1 by Grimdor
P2 Hd by GrimdorWoodman Fini Ld by Grimdor

Suggested by lovelessdevotions 
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AyechanStudio is a traditional artist from the US. Her delicate traditional mixed media drawings incorporate colored pencils, acryllics and markers for a stunning effect. Her delicate lines mesh perfectly with her soft color palette giving life to subjects which include birds, butterflies and other nature inspired themes. Be sure to visit AyechanStudio's gallery today and leave some feedback!

Suggested by PeppermintSoda 
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WhiteRaven00 is a varied artist from Germany. She is an absolutely fantastic cosplayer who really brings characters to life with her detailed costumes and elaborate staging. Her expertly composed photographs are full of dramatic intrigue from the environments to the lighting and the use of multiple characters, in some cases. If you enjoy cosplay, this is definitely an artist to add to your list!

Elsa Frozen Cosplay - here I'll stay.. by WhiteRavenCosplayJELSA Couple COSPLAY- Just Don't Look Down Elsa.. by WhiteRavenCosplay
Inuyasha and Kagome Cosplay 2015 by WhiteRavenCosplayAutum day by WhiteRavenCosplay

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Radoslaw is a photographer from Poland. He captures a wide variety of subjects from industrial urban landscapes to Macro and even documents dog sporting events. The colors in his works are vivid and brilliant and the focus is crystal clear and sharp. He makes expert use of symmetry in nature and experiments with various angles for the perfect shot every time. This artist is a must add to your watch list!

Winter time by DybcioSlow Down by Dybcio
Morning Explosion by DybcioAwakening by Dybcio

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Grimdor's avatar
Waow, Thanks a lot for the featuring :3 , I didn t expect that and your comment about me and my artworks made my day. Thank you very very much.