Tagged by das-Diddy

5 min read

Deviation Actions

MizuFuunakami's avatar
01. You must post these rules.
02. Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
03. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create ten (10) new questions for the people you tag to answer.
04. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
05. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
06. No tag backs. (you guys can tag me back if you want, but I probably wont do it again... but will answer the questions )
07. No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people

10 Random Things About Me:
1.I do not like to tell something about me.
2.Especially when it comes to my problems. I rather keep it for myself, no matter how much they charge me.
3.Also, I think that anyone interested in it anyway.
4.I'm really bad at English and languages like it either.
5.I have a twin sister. We'll see but not similar.
6.As a child I started karate because Makoto / Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon, has done this.
7.But that's been ages, so do not think I know them a little.
8.I studied library because I wanted to do something with books. What a misconception.
9.I feel for posters and photo's on the walls always observed.
10.I can do anything with children.

The questions:
1.What did you want to become as a child?
I do not remember. The school newspaper of the elementary school I painted a singer at the career choice, but I think that was only because there is something needed to go.
2.What is the craziest thing you ever did in public?
Also because I have no idea. I'm really boring.
3.Did you ever have an imaginary friend or do you still have one?
Why do you ask so many things that I can not remember?
It is possible, I do not exclude it completely.
4.Who's you favorite author?
I have no favorite author.
5.Do you believe in magic, mystic thing and/or fortune?
Sometimes it is hard not to believe it.
6.What would you do at the last day of your life?
Question of me after the 21.12.2012 again? Because I know that it is my last day? I think I would have liked to spend time with dear friends and family.
7.If you could be amazingly good at something, what would it be?
Maybe dance and sing, otherwise I would like to be able to motivate more, be smarter, and, and, and.
8.Which pet would you love to have? (fantastic creatures included)
As a child I always wanted a dog, but I never get one. But I also like cats very much.
If there is to be unrealistic: Pretty much every big cat, a wolf, a dragon, snakes.
9.If something would fullfill one wish for you, would you use it for yourself or for someone else?
I wish I may, I have an infinite number of requests? I think I would use the desire for others, but it may also be that at the moment I would be too selfish for it or regret it later. Who knows.
10.What is the scariest thing you ever read in a book or saw on a movie?
What I immediately think: Glittering vampires.
Otherwise, I read and I look no thriller or horror movies. I do not like something.

My 10 questions:
1.Why do you do with in this tag?
2.Are you satisfied with your life?
3.If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
4.Which name do you find beautiful? Name at least one male and one female, and what importance they have, if they have one.
5.Which nickname do you have and how you came to you?
6.Where would you like to live, if it's not the reality? Every fictional world is possible.
7.In a role-playing game you'd like to which category? (male or female, as well as wizards, fighters, thief, pirate, dragon rider, ...)
8.And which race you would have loved if it could not be human, and you must choose between all the races?
9.Would you stand on the side of good or evil?
10.Who will accompany you on your adventures? It would be a large group or just a few, or no, but a companion animal?

I tag:
I do not know whom to call yet, I do not have so many friends. I know it will not actually do, but feel you just tagged. Do it or not, it is entirely up to you.

© 2012 - 2025 MizuFuunakami
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