Manself Meme Reza Version!TheReza13 on DeviantArt

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TheReza13's avatar

Manself Meme Reza Version!



Oh hello thar. Yes...I did a meme...because :iconxhigashi-sumix: inspired me to. Just because the images were too funny!

Blank meme here: [link]


1. Naming this guy was sort of a struggle. I wondered whether I should've had his name start with a T from Theresa or R from Reza. Alas, Terrance stuck in my mind so I kept it. He is wearing purple but hopefully it's a little manlier.

2. Hahaha, it's so well-known that I'm a horrible cook. I've found recently it's because, well, I [i]don't like it[/i]. Anyways, this was definitely first on the thought-list for a skill he'd have that I wouldn't.

3. The first point was a no-brainer. I just couldn't have my manself be taller than me. No way. I love the idea of a guy that's just as lively as me and as tall running around on the world. The idea of him being more fashion conscious is also a bit of a joke. I do care about fashion in my day-to-day life, but also I really don't. I just kind of wear whatever the hell I like...and to keep it running, I have my avatar of me wearing the same outfit while Terrance's changes

4. HAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD THIS IS WHY I WANTED TO DO THIS MEME! Oh Rianne, everything from the bangs style, eye colour and style of dress is definitely familiar. I do have a feeling that these manself memes are meant for the ladies to have to draw their significant other of the opposite sex as well. Haha. Anyways, Rianne is a cutie.

5. This makes me chuckle for so many reasons. First and foremost is that Terrance's definition of being fancy for the special someone is pretty synonymous to my definition. Just...his looks more goofy..?

6. FOR THE RECORD, my room looks much nicer. But I could not have my manself be better than me at cooking [i]and[/i]'s as bad as I am.

7. I have a feeling that if all my thoughts were to go through a man-translator, this is what would pop out. I don't think any other men's thoughts really differ a lot XD

8. I literally just started doodling for this one. Terrance definitely grew his own personality as I drew this meme, and one thing he got was a lot of teasing abuse from me, as he has a feisty temper, like a chihuahua or something. I especially like the "Think I wouldn't hit a girl?" comment XD oh, Terrance.

9. I just had to give Terrance's fashion sense some credit. I wouldn't want to torture him too too much.

10. I actually believe this is what my parents would do if a boy-child that looked like me came home and revealed himself to be their son. My parents are just as weird as I am. Another idea was that my mum would be like, "You're the long lost twin" and actually have it be a little emotional, since when I was born an extra placenta came out, hinting that I could of had a fraternal twin but they never developed in the womb, but that's a bit of a stretch for a one-panel thing and this was funnier and more my parents' personality.

11. Once again, me teasing the poor fella. So much fun though.

And this was my manself meme! I had a load of fun doing it, I hope it's entertaining to read...kind of!

Made in Illustrator (lines) and Photoshop (everything else. After working solely in a vector program for a while, it was weird colouring with Photoshop again, even if it was just for scribble-colouring!)

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© 2012 - 2025 TheReza13
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