About my photographs

3 min read

Deviation Actions

Thiefyfinn's avatar
The beauty of Finnish summer has driven yet another wannabe photographer from her hiding place under the rock. And as photos started piling on computer, the grand idea and minimal self-criticism plotted this plan in my head. Idea of loading some of my pics here for free stock usage. The plan is now in action, so guess I need to make some things clear: The rules of my photos.

If you use photos I've taken, you...

- credit me.
       Why?  I don't like if someone steals my work, whether it is photos or drawn stuff. Do you?
- post me a link to your artwork.
       Why?  I'm curious. And if someone has created something fantastic using a photo I've taken, it will be an honour to me, so I want to see it.

- use my pics in your artwork; you may edit them as much as you like!
- use my pics also outside DA, if you follow all of the other rules.

- use my pics in commercial purposes.
       Why?  1) The quality is NOT that good. 2) If I'm not getting money out of it, no one else - company, charity... What ever! - will. I also support no political, global or religious agenda/ideology, neither do my pictures.
- claim that the pics are yours.  This, I think, needs no explanation.
- use or try to use photos that aren't in stock folder.
       Why?  Just don't. Otherwise I'll come and eat your head... ;)
- use any of my drawn work (traditional or digital)
       Why?   Because I tell you not to.

Rules for using my stocks in contests with cash involved.

Contests outside dA: No. (I've unfortunately seen too many, that don't go as they should and artists end up with 50$ or even nothing, while "the little text" in the contest rules gives contest holder all rights for use of works entered.)

Contests in/through dA: Yes, as long as using means other than just fixing the colours and things like that. If you have to compare your work for a while with the original stock to see that said image has been used OR if it is just a backround (still do something to it!), it is okey with me.

© 2012 - 2025 Thiefyfinn
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pyrestriker's avatar
I must ask... what about for contests where cash may be involved?