
5 min read

Deviation Actions

Snow-Body's avatar


Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended & CLIP STUDIO PAINT
Tablet: wacom cintiq 24HD


  • Which Brushes are you using?

    Here you can find some, but not all sadly as I have found most in google and well … with which i draw fur and lines, are my personal brushes. Here are older brushes from me though. And over Clip Studio Paint, you can download tons of brushes over their assets. I plan to upload (once I got enough) my personally created brushes on DA.

  • Which Textures are you using?

    I use sometimes the textures from: Sirius-sdz. Also sometimes only colours: like dark blue/ or a dark purple, as they suffice already enough, also the PS filters are not that bad. As of right now, I prefer the second method more, so no textures anymore, just playing with colours.

  • How do you make this 3D effect?

    Here’s a tutorial.

  • Know any good Tutorials?

    I have a folder full of it, right here.

  • Do you have a fur tutorial?

    Yes, an older one but here it is AND there's a newer one now.


  • Can i use your art on other websites? (like roleplays, art sites, etc)

    No, most designs belong either to me or other people, something that you will often find in the description then, especially on DeviantART.

  • Can i use your character as my own, or for a roleplay?

    No they are mine, so don’t. Also most characters in my gallery belong to other people, these are their OC’s then.

  • Can i use your picture as avatar?

    When in my description stands that you are allowed to use it, yes (free Icon, Avatar, line) But if in the descriptions stands it is my character or from someone else, forget it. By FanArt and random designs (no adopts) Just give credit somewhere, or at least do not claim it as your own.

Just don’t make any Profit out of my art, DO NOT SELL IT.

As long it is not sold, or somewhere in the description stand it is suddenly your character / art … it is … 'acceptable' but still bad. If you already ignore my rules, then at least follow this one here.


What to say, I come from Germany, live somewhere in Rheinland-Pfalz, born 1997 and I am female, and well currently studying. Atm I am quite bored, none of my hobbies give me quite a kick, which is quite a pain. Mostly I just play games or draw or seriously just watch a bunch of series, if I can, some walks or bike tours too. Why I draw wolves? It kinda happened and I found it cool how realistic people could draw them, I wanted to be as good as them, now no more as my goal is no more to draw super realistic, but at least the anatomy, someday... humans are now on my list and god it is a pain, HOW MANY YEARS will it take till I can draw them without problems? I don't have so much time anymore. Random stuff I like: Bayonetta, Assassin's Creed, Bleach, Scrubs, Futurama, South Park, coldmirror, Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, Borgia, Hannibal, Tut, Animal Crossing, Devil may Cry, Interstellar, Ex Machina, John Wick, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Westworld, DBZ Abridged, Yugioh Abridged, Hellsing,  and more stuff which won't come to my mind now.

© 2012 - 2025 Snow-Body
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Snow-Body's avatar
def. should edit them................
but ya know me

lazy af