ProjectPorkchop Vol100 (Special Edition)

9 min read

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Astralseed's avatar
Welcome to our 100th Vol of ProjectPorkchop!  I'd like to take a moment and take a stroll down memory lane before we get to our regular features.  For those of you who have been with us since before day one, you probably remember when our articles were still called Fresh Meat and groups were still a far fetched dream on dA, the idea of ProjectPorkchop didn't come to be for quite some time after all of that.. If memory serves me correct Fresh Meat ran for 82 weeks missing only one week in that entire span.  In the first week I featured 10 artists and each article after that featured 5.  

The idea for ProjectPorkchop actually came about when I had went to HQ and met with spyed he thought it would be a good idea to turn my weekly Fresh Meat articles into a group somehow and I agreed it was a great idea.  When groups came out I wanted a fresh name for my articles but still sticking with the previous theme ProjectPorkchop was created.  

The name actually came about from an old dream I had some years ago which is oddly irrelevant to features and the like, but the name was interesting and it went with the previous theme so I went with it.  Again, I stayed with the usual 5 features per week not missing a week until some things came up and I was unfortunately no longer able to post the articles any longer.  

When I returned Last January I started the group and the articles back up as usual however, I restarted the counter so while this may be Vol100, we have actually had closer to 200.  

Overall, since I started these articles back in 08, I have featured 965 different artists, each with under 200 watchers at the time of the feature. 
Over the past year I started keeping track of the artists I have featured getting Daily Deviations after they have been featured in my group and or one of my articles.  

In this past year alone there have been over 100 artists who have recieved DD's, and those are just the ones which I noticed (or suggested myself)  Check them out here.

These articles have been a huge project for me for a long time and I hope to continue working on them.  So happy 100th, may we have many more!  :party:  

ProjectPorkchop is all about bringing more exposure to the many talented yet under appreciated artists going unseen on deviantART daily. The artists chosen truly deserve more attention based on low counts of favorites, comments, and watchers, added to their incredible artistic talent.


:thumb286896657: :thumb283359802: :thumb284228780: :thumb283359901:

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Wasp woman by SimonARPalmer

Mature Content

Gardener of the neuroforest by SimonARPalmer
My fruit by SimonARPalmer :thumb261648055:

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SUNLOVE by AlexanderKucherenko goodness by AlexanderKucherenko Battleship by AlexanderKucherenko CAPRICORN by AlexanderKucherenko

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Monster Avenue Doodle by reyexzyl Doodle - first attempt by reyexzyl in colors by reyexzyl Thinking Japanese by reyexzyl

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Pain in the Wintry Wind by KnightChan Death Messenger add by KnightChan :thumb217094209: :thumb208549812:

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If you enjoyed this article please be sure to :+fav: it, as this helps these artists get even more exposure.
If you would like to suggest someone for a future ProjectPorkchop article please send a note to our group :iconprojectporkchop:.

Previous issues of PPc:
:bulletred: Vol01 / Vol02 / Vol03 / Vol04 / Vol05 / Vol06 / Vol07 / Vol08 / Vol09 / Vol10 / Vol11 / Vol12 / Vol13 / Vol14 / Vol15 / Vol16 / Vol17 / Vol18 / Vol19 /  Vol20 /  Vol21 /  Vol22 / Vol23 / Vol24 / Vol25 / Vol26 / Vol27 / Vol28 / Vol29 / Vol30 / Vol31 / Vol32 / Vol33 / Vol34 / Vol35 /  Vol36 / Vol37 / Vol38 / Vol39 /  Vol40 / Vol41 / Vol42 / Vol43 / Vol44 / Vol45 / Vol46 / Vol47 / Vol48 / Vol49 / Vol50 / Vol51 / Vol52 / Vol53 / Vol54 / Vol55 / Vol56 / Vol57 / Vol58 / Vol59 / Vol60 / Vol61 / Vol62 / Vol63 / Vol64 / Vol65 / Vol66 / Vol67 / Vol68 / Vol69 / Vol70 / Vol71 / Vol72 / Vol73 / Vol74 / Vol75 / Vol76 / Vol77 / Vol78 / Vol79 / Vol80 / Vol81 / Vol82 / Vol83 / Vol84 / Vol85 / Vol86 / Vol87 / Vol88 / Vol89 / Vol90 / Vol91 / Vol92 / Vol93 / Vol94 / Vol95 / Vol96 / Vol97 / Vol98 / Vol99 /

© 2012 - 2025 Astralseed
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The-Senior-Stache's avatar
Hey there!
#dAseniors featured this feature in The Senior 'Stache March 1st 2012 . Congrats on over 100 fantastic feats! Can we get to over 9000? :la:

Much love,
