EUropean soil ERosion field measurements at Plot scale


Call for contributions on the EU_ERPlot initiative

Our data compilation and harmonization is progressing, however, our estimations indicate a significant portion of data is still out there. As a result we will re-open the call for contributions in order to target data generated over the last 10 years.


Status on EU_ERPlot data compilation and harmonizzation

EUropean soil ERosion field measurements at Plot scale


How to contribute

Contributions can be made to the database by downloading and completing the form available in the ESDAC data portal (here).

Or Contact:

What is EU_ERPlot?

It is a collaborative network targeting soil erosion by water data from European field experiments. The aim of this network is to reach out to Researchers from European institutions to come together and create an open-access database (EU_ERPlot) of soil erosion records collected at plot scale, through a series of diverse land use and land cover features across Europe. This is an action promoted by the EU Soil Observatory Technical Working Group on Soil erosion.

EU_ERPlot database will allow us to:

  • Improve the understanding of soil erosion processes across multiple environmental, management and climate conditions.
  • Aid model development though the development of new inputs and model validation.
  • Preserve past and present data records, in a harmonized format and updatable platform.
  • Make data open and accessible to the community.

How can I contribute?

Contributions can be made to the database by downloading and completing the form available in the ESDAC data portal (here). We welcome data submissions from all potential contributors across the European continent who wish to share access to their soil erosion measurements. Upon the completion of the form, data submissions will be screened, harmonized, and then included in the first EU_ERPlotdatabase.v1. As a result, any contributor will be co-author of the first data publication (see examples of past collaborative actions).

Template submissions can be made by contacting the listed data manager through the contact details listed in the ESDAC data portal. Data manager:


What type of soil erosion data are we talking about?

In general terms, all soil erosion data records made atany time-step and known timeframe, at plot scale with known area, and known field conditions, are welcome (see form for more details). The data coverage includes countries within Europe, European Union and Candidates, and Horizon Europe. Moreover, published and unpublished data, as well as past and recent data measurements, are encouraged to be submitted with the highest resolution possible.

Until when can I submit my data?

The second call is open until 31 July. During the compilation process, indicators on the plot.year contributions will be shared in this page.

Other successful collaborative actions from EUSO working group on Soil Erosion:

  • EUSEDcollab Database Matthews F., Verstraeten G., Borrelli P., Vanmaercke M., Poesen J., Steegen A., Degré A., Rodríguez B.C., Bielders C., Franke C., Alary C., Zumr D., Patault E., Nadal-Romero E., Smolska E., Licciardello F., Swerts G., Thodsen H., Casalí J., Eslava J., Richet J.-B., Ouvry J.-F., Farguell J., Święchowicz J., Nunes J.P., Pak L.T., Liakos L., Campo-Bescós M.A., Żelazny M., Delaporte M., Pineux N., Henin N., Bezak N., Lana-Renault N., Tzoraki O., Giménez R., Li T., Zuazo V.H.D., Bagarello V., Pampalone V., Ferro V., Úbeda X., Panagos P.  2023. EUSEDcollab: a network of data from European catchments to monitor net soil erosion by waterSci Data 10: 515.
  • GASEMT Database - Borrelli, P., Alewell, C., Alvarez, P., Anache, j.A.A., Baartman, J., Ballabio, C., Biddoccu, M., Cerdà, A., Chalise, D., Chen, S., Chen, W., De Girolamo,
    A.M., Gessesse, G.D., Deumlich, D., Diodato, N., Efthimiou, N., Erpul, G., Fiener, P., Freppaz, M., Gentile, F., Gericke, A., Haregeweyn, N., Hu, B., Jeanneau, A., Kaffas, K., Kiani-Harchegani, M., Lizaga Villuendas, I., Li, C., Lombardo, L., López-Vicente, M., Lucas-Borja, M.E., Matthews, F., Märker, M., Miao, C., Mikoš, M., Modugno, S., Möller, M., Naipal, V., Nearing, M., Owusu, S., Panday, D., Patault, E., Patriche, C.V., Poggio R., Portes, Quijano, L., Rahdari, M.R., Renima, M., Ricci, G.F., Rodrigo-Comino, J., Saia, S., Samani, A.N., Schillaci, C., Syrris, V., Kim, H.S., Spinola, D.N., Oliveira, P.T.S., Teng, H., Thapa, R., Vantas, K., Vieira, D., Yang, J.E, Yin, S., Zema, D.A., Zhao, G., Panagos, P. 2021. Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis. Science of The Total Environment 780: 146494.


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