
 In this section, you can download:

  • National Soil Maps (EUDASM): a collection of maps (> 5400) produced in the context of a project called European Digital Archive on Soil Maps of the World (EuDASM). The Digital Archive is a collection of scanned soil maps. The objective was to transfer soil information from maps into digital format, with the maximum resolution possible and  to preserve the information of paper maps that are vulnerable to deterioration.
  • European Soil Database Maps: A collection of maps which represent all attributes that are present in the in the Soil Geographical Database of Eurasia at scale 1:1,000,000 (version 4 beta) and the PedoTransfer Rules Database (version 2.0). All maps are in PDF format (A3). All maps are "dominant value" maps ;
  • Soil Data Maps: Pan European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment, Topsoil Organic Carbon Content (%), European Landslide Susceptibility map, Natural susceptibility to compaction , Saline and Sodic Soils in European Union, pH in Europe



  • a poster with the major soil types of the Northern Circumpolar region
  • a poster with the major soil types of Europe

All Resources

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