Key Points
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) will lead to reversible reprogramming of the cell, which is defined by fundamental changes initiated and maintained by several regulatory circuits.
EMT is well known to be transcriptionally regulated. Several transcription factors have been described as potent enough to drive EMT. The often strong interconnection between these factors forms a solid network that drives tumour progression.
Recent evidence has linked EMT to epigenetic modifications. These are reversible, thus emphasizing that epigenetic modifications may contribute to EMT plasticity, which could allow cancer cells to switch back to the epithelial state on colonization at a secondary site.
Non-coding RNAs, and in particular microRNAs (miRNAs), are master regulators of gene expression in many biological and pathological processes. Several miRNAs are able to influence the cellular phenotype through the suppression of genes that are involved in controlling the epithelial and mesenchymal cell states. Moreover, feedback loops with transcriptional regulators of EMT further define and/or maintain a given cellular state.
Alternative splicing of mRNA precursors leads to the formation of different proteins from the same gene, and this directs distinct physiological functions. EMT-associated alternative splicing events are regulated by several recently identified proteins, adding a new layer to the complex regulation of EMT.
More recent studies have indicated that protein levels of EMT-inducing transcription factors are tightly controlled by additional mechanisms. A first level of control is found at the point of translation initiation and elongation. A complex machinery determines the stability, subcellular localization and functionality of the proteins. Misregulation of translation and post-translational regulation may contribute to EMT in cancer cells.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is essential for driving plasticity during development, but is an unintentional behaviour of cells during cancer progression. The EMT-associated reprogramming of cells not only suggests that fundamental changes may occur to several regulatory networks but also that an intimate interplay exists between them. Disturbance of a controlled epithelial balance is triggered by altering several layers of regulation, including the transcriptional and translational machinery, expression of non-coding RNAs, alternative splicing and protein stability.
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The authors apologize to those colleagues whose relevant studies were not cited here. The authors' research is funded by grants from the VIB; the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, the geconcerteerde onderzoeksacties of Ghent University, Belgium; the Stichting tegen Kanker; the Association for International Cancer Research, UK; and the EU-FP7 framework program TuMIC 2008–201662.
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Craene, B., Berx, G. Regulatory networks defining EMT during cancer initiation and progression. Nat Rev Cancer 13, 97–110 (2013).
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