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  • In the Laboratory
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A generic protein purification method for protein complex characterization and proteome exploration


We have developed a generic procedure to purify proteins expressed at their natural level under native conditions using a novel tandem affinity purification (TAP) tag. The TAP tag allows the rapid purification of complexes from a relatively small number of cells without prior knowledge of the complex composition, activity, or function. Combined with mass spectrometry, the TAP strategy allows for the identification of proteins interacting with a given target protein. The TAP method has been tested in yeast but should be applicable to other cells or organisms.

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Figure 1: The TAP strategy: rationale and testing.
Figure 2: Proteins purified with the TAP procedure are active.
Figure 3: TAP purification of the Mak31p identifies a new complex.


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We thank F. Caspary for testing the method and suggestions on TEV cleavage, G. Stier for TEV protease, and E. Bouveret, F. Caspary, P. Lopez, O. Puig, R. Ramirez-Morales, I. Mattaj, and members of EMBL for support and/or comments on the manuscript. The German Technology Ministry (BMFF) and Glaxo-Wellcome partially supported the M.M. laboratory at EMBL.

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Correspondence to Bertrand Séraphin.

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Rigaut, G., Shevchenko, A., Rutz, B. et al. A generic protein purification method for protein complex characterization and proteome exploration. Nat Biotechnol 17, 1030–1032 (1999).

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