Displaying 1 - 50 of 20947
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Changes in site building process can run into Cannot access offset of type StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup on field creation path Active Normal Bug report 11.0.x-dev field system 1 34 sec 34 sec
Drupal\media\Entity\Media::prepareSave should convert URL object metadata to string before saving Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev media system 43 6 min 39 sec manibharathi ezhimalai ravi 5 years 3 months
Update link templates of test entities Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev entity system 33 25 min 15 sec 8 years 5 months
Allow bulk unbanning / removal and clearing ip addresses (Flush all) Needs review Normal Feature request 11.x-dev ban.module 28 32 min 21 sec lrwebks 6 months 1 week
Link field type: Add is_external computed property Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev link.module 2 44 min 18 sec 44 min 41 sec
Add service tag(s) for cache clearing Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 5 1 hour 16 sec 1 month 3 weeks
[policy] Decide on format of commit message Needs review Normal Plan 11.x-dev other 49 1 hour 3 min 5 months 2 weeks
Sub workspace does not clear Needs work Normal Bug report 10.3.x-dev workspaces.module 26 1 hour 5 min 5 months 2 weeks
[meta] Add database driver for MongoDB to Core as experimental Active Major Feature request 11.x-dev database system 17 1 hour 6 min 2 months 3 weeks
FilterPermissions' use of URLs can cause module installations to fail Needs review Major Bug report 11.x-dev base system 25 1 hour 8 min 2 years 7 months
Add a number addExpression specific functions Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev database system 7 1 hour 10 min 2 months 3 weeks
Fix "call to undefined' PHPStan-0 issues in migration system Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Bug report 11.x-dev phpunit 5 1 hour 14 min 3 weeks 6 days
Time-based custom caching is broken since configuration expects an integer. Needs review Major Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 46 1 hour 17 min 3 years 4 days
Support filename* parameter for Content-Disposition header of file upload Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Feature request 11.x-dev file.module 17 1 hour 17 min 2 years 5 months
EditorFileReference should maintain the aspect ratio of image if only one of the width or height is defined in embedded code Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev editor.module 10 1 hour 56 min 1 month 2 weeks
Loading entity during save will cache old version Active Critical Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 4 1 hour 56 min 2 days 2 hours
Provide a new library to replace jQuery UI autocomplete Needs work Critical Task 11.x-dev javascript 181 2 hours 3 min 5 years 1 month
Allow embedding multiple Media Entities using the Media Library in CKEditor Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev media system 41 2 hours 19 min 4 years 5 months
Focus always on top when adding/removing items in blocks using Layout Builder Active Normal Bug report 10.2.x-dev layout_builder.module 1 2 hours 39 min 2 hours 39 min
Provide a collection resource where a version history can be obtained (`version-history`, `predecessor-version` and `successor-version` link relations) Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev jsonapi.module 19 2 hours 49 min 5 years 10 months
Path alias update to remove index fails on postgresql Active Critical Bug report 10.4.x-dev postgresql db driver 3 2 hours 56 min 5 hours 50 min
Allow definition objects to provide options Needs review Major Task 11.x-dev typed data system 104 3 hours 8 min 10 years 3 weeks
Undo deprecation of UnpublishByKeyword and AssignOwnerNode action plugins Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev action.module 11 3 hours 15 min 2 months 2 days
Identifiers longer than 63 characters are truncated, causing Views to break on Postgres Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev views.module 202 3 hours 31 min 15 years 2 weeks
Field Groups marked as required are missing red asterisk Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev Claro theme 92 3 hours 34 min 4 years 1 day
Dropbutton field pushed out of the table if no label set Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev CSS 53 2 hours 44 min 5 years 7 months
Drupal on MongoDB (the full PR) Active Minor Task 11.x-dev other 12 3 hours 56 min daffie 10 months 22 hours
\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user_role')->load() can't load non-english string Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev database system 13 4 hours 9 min 8 months 5 days
Wrong maxlength on Authored By field for translation Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev content_translation.module 9 4 hours 44 min 1 week 2 days
User routes alter in custom module throwing error on "_format" Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev serialization.module 36 5 hours 45 sec shalini_jha 1 year 4 months
Allow MenuLinkTree manipulators to be altered Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev menu system 47 5 hours 13 min 4 years 10 months
Make it easier to decorate menu.default_tree_manipulators Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev menu system 1 5 hours 14 min 5 hours 14 min
Title field description override in BlockContentBlock::blockForm() does nothing Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev block_content.module 10 5 hours 54 min 3 weeks 6 days
Aggregation not working css and js cache directories not being created Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Major Support request 11.x-dev asset library system 69 6 hours 9 min 1 year 1 month
Support third party settings for components within a section Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev layout_builder.module 221 6 hours 18 min 5 years 10 months
confusing error & behavior when creating a new referenced entity containing parentheses Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 46 6 hours 57 min 6 years 10 months
Implement Entity::fields() for migration destinations Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev migration system 138 7 hours 28 min 8 years 9 months
Remove deprecated in PHP 8.4 the \E_STRICT usage Fixed Normal Task 10.4.x-dev base system 20 7 hours 59 min 1 month 2 weeks
Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'settings')
 with dialog.position.js Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev javascript 69 8 hours 15 min 1 year 4 months
Improve documentation of MenuLinkTreeInterface Needs review Normal Feature request 11.x-dev menu system 14 8 hours 38 min 5 years 10 months
[meeting] Migrate Meeting 2024-09-12 2100Z Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev migration system 5 8 hours 53 min 2 weeks 6 days
Rename locale batch operation callbacks to match the API methods they call Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 11.x-dev locale.module 31 8 hours 58 min 7 months 18 hours
CKEditor 5 balloons invisible when CKEditor 5 is used inside a modal Needs review Major Bug report 11.x-dev ckeditor5.module 50 9 hours 51 min 1 year 9 months
Add support to config schema for marking objects or properties as 'sensitive' Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev configuration system 2 10 hours 7 min 1 day 4 hours
Make CKEditor be forgiving of enabling something that's already enabled Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev ckeditor5.module 10 11 hours 20 min 1 month 4 days
Allow #type 'button' that aren't form submits Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev forms system 51 11 hours 24 min 16 years 1 month
10.3 upgrade now missing status-message theme suggestions Postponed Major Bug report 10.3.x-dev theme system 110 11 hours 36 min 3 months 1 hour
filter_autop() returns <br /> but should return <br> for HTML5 Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev filter.module 56 11 hours 47 min 9 years 11 months
Open the "discard changes" dialog in the off-canvas tray Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Feature request 11.x-dev layout_builder.module 24 12 hours 29 min 3 years 2 months
Make dblog entities Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev dblog.module 99 12 hours 41 min 9 years 8 months


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