As of 11/01/2024 01:27 AM AKDT
Unless otherwise noted, bids are due before 2:00 PM local time on the date and at the location listed in the Invitation to Bid. On that date, the Department will publicly announce timely-received bids at the time listed in the Invitation to Bid.
CENTRAL REGION: Contracts Section, Aviation Building, 4111 Aviation Ave., Anchorage, AK
(907) 269-0400
NORTHERN REGION: Engineering Services Building, 2301 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK
(907) 451-2247
SOUTHCOAST REGION: Contracts Section, 6860 Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK
(907) 465-4493
DBE UTILIZATION: All projects financed all or in part with federal funds are required to provide Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) opportunity to participate fairly with other contractors in the performance of contracts. See applicable DBE specifications (Section 120 or Item G-120) for project specific race-conscious or program wide race-neutral DBE Utilization Goals. Projects with a race-conscious DBE Utilization Goal will include the goal amount in the Invitation to Bid.
Only the information published in the bid documents issued in electronic or paper format by the Contracting Agency should be used as a basis for bid preparation.
Region(s):This Federally funded project will construct a bridge spanning Railroad Creek on the Parks Highway near Milepost 128.5. Project work includes drainage improvements, grading, paving, guardrail, signage, and striping.
more >This project will replace or rehabilitate the Sayles/Gorge Street Viaduct (#1841).
more >Provide additional illumination at the Stedman/Deermont intersection to achieve a level of luminance that meets current DOT&PF standards. Construct a concrete sidewalk bulbout on the Stedman side of the marked crosswalk. The bulbout will extend from the existing sidewalk to the edge of the traveled way.
more >This state funded project includes corrosion removal with metal coating, patching, and painting; steel and concrete repairs and replacement; painted traffic/parking markings; electrical power, lighting, and signal repairs; and deck drain installation to extend the useful life of the parking garage at Second St & Gold St in Juneau, Alaska. The contract includes three (3) additive alternates for each of the following: cleaning and painting all exposed steel, patching and painting concrete masonry unit (CMU) parapets, and upgrading the base bid traffic coating to an enhanced coating.
more >This federally funded project will rehabilitate the runway, taxiway, runway and taxiway safety areas, apron, and airport access road at the Nightmute Airport in Nightmute, Alaska. Improvements will also include expanding the runway safety area; reconstructing the runway and taxiway lighting systems; installing a new rotating beacon on a tip-down pole; improvements to the electrical equipment building; installing new lighted primary and supplemental wind cones; re-leveling a snow removal equipment building; drainage improvements; and construction of a riprap revetment and permanent barge landing.
more >Reconstruction of Haines Highway from Milepost 20 to 25 including the Chilkat River bridge.
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