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DEC Rules and Regulations Summary

Below is a summary of the Vermont DEC Environmental Protection Rules by Chapter, including links to the individual documents. Further information may be found by visiting these links:

DISCLAIMER: The information on this web site is provisional. For matters affecting legal rights, please refer to the printed version of the appropriate official publication. For more detailed information about rules, rulemaking or other issues, please contact the appropriate DEC Division Director.

DEC Rules Summary
Chapter Division Rule Effective Date
1 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules 11/06/2023
  • Subdivisions, small water supply and wastewater disposal systems, campgrounds, mobile home parks, and sewage disposal permits
2 Water Investment ANR/DEC Municipal Pollution Control Priority System 12/01/2017
  • Grants and loans for pollution control facilities
  • Annual process for awarding grants and loans
4 Watershed Management Pollution Abatement Facility Operator Rule 08/2/2021
  • Classifications of wastewater facilities
  • Grades of operator certifications
  • Requirements for certification and recertification
5 Air Quality & Climate Air Pollution Control Regulations 12/16/2022
  • Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • Air pollution control permits
  • Prohibited activities
  • Motor Vehicle Emissions
6 Waste Management & Prevention Solid Waste Management Rules 10/31/2020
  • Definition of Solid Waste
  • Permit requirements
  • Operation requirements
7 Waste Management & Prevention Hazardous Waste Management Regulations 2/1/2022
  • Definitions and listing of Hazardous Wastes
  • Recycling of Hazardous Wastes
  • Requirements for generators and transporters of Hazardous Waste
  • Requirements for treatment, storage and disposal facilities
8 Waste Management & Prevention Underground Storage Tank Rules 10/26/2020
  • Standards for new tanks and pipes
  • Operating requirements
  • Corrective action and closures
9 Waste Management & Prevention Aboveground Storage Tank Rules 8/1/2024
  • Standards for the design and installation of aboveground storage tanks
  • Regulation of bulk fuel storage tanks
10 Waste Management & Prevention Deposits for Beverage Containers 09/14/2010
  • Labeling requirements for returned containers
  • Redemption center requirements
11 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Underground Injection Control Rule 10/29/2014
  • Classification of underground injection wells
  • Permitting underground injection wells
12 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Groundwater Protection Rule and Strategy 7/6/2019
  • Groundwater classifications, protection goals and strategies
  • Procedures for reclassification
  • Groundwater quality standards
13 Watershed Management Water Pollution Control Permit Regulations and Amendment 02/1974 and 10/07/1991
  • Permits and permit processes for point discharges to surface waters
  • Monitoring and reporting requirement
  • General permits for "non- polluting wastes"
14 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Indirect Discharge Rules 04/12/2019
  • Permitting of sewage discharges to ground water and indirectly to surface waters
  • Permitting of land application of non-sewage wastes from food processing
15 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Well Driller Licensing Rule 09/20/2002
  • Water well driller license issuance and renewals
  • Water well drillers reporting requirements
  • Construction standards for non permitted water wells
16 Watershed Management Water Withdrawals for Snowmaking 02/15/1996
  • Permits for water withdrawals from surface waters for snowmaking
  • Existing and new withdrawals
17 Watershed Management Wasteload Allocation Process Rule 09/15/1987
  • Waste disposal by point discharges to surface waters
  • Allocating multiple point and non point discharges to surface waters
18 Watershed Management Stormwater Management Rule - Stormwater for Unimpaired Waters 07/01/2017   Repealed: 03/15/2019 
19 Commissioner's Office Permit and License Fee Schedule (superseded) 06/01/1993
20 Environmental Enforcement Environmental Penalty 11/14/2009
  • Classification of violations
  • Determination of penalties for violations
21 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Water Supply Rule 02/24/2024
  • Public water system construction permits
  • Public water system operation permits
  • Drinking water quality requirements and standards
  • Laboratory certification
  • Water System classification and operator certification
22 Watershed Management Stormwater Permitting Rule 03/15/2019 
23 Air Quality & Climate Regional Greenhouse Gas Rule (RGGI) 08/31/2018
  • A cooperative effort by ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states to limit greenhouse gas emissions by limiting emissions of CO2 from electric power plants, creating CO2 allowances, and establishing participation in CO2 allowance auctions
24 Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting and Permitting Rule 06/22/2011
  • Requires reporting and permitting of large groundwater withdrawals
25 Environmental Enforcement Environmental Citations 07/13/2020
  • Allows for the issuance of citations for environmental violations with penalties up to $3,000
26 Waste Management and Prevention Salvage Yards Rules 09/01/2015
  • Definition of Salvage Yard
  • Permit Requirements
  • Operation Requirements
27 Watershed Management Stream Alteration Rule 03/10/2017
  • Stream alteration in both emergency & non-emergency circumstances
  • All activities that change, alter, or modify the course, current or cross-section of a watercourse within Vermont
28 Water Investment Unsafe Dam Revolving Loan Fund Rules 02/19/2014
  • Establishes standards and procedures for the funding of the removal, repair, etc. of unsafe dams
29 Watershed Management Flood Hazard Area & River Corridor Rule 03/01/2015
  • Regulates development exempt from municipal regulation in flood hazard areas and river corridors
29(a) Watershed Management Water Quality Standards 11/15/2022
  • Surface water quality standards
  • Classification of surface waters
  • Point and non-point discharges to surface water
30 Watershed Management Vermont Wetland Rules 02/10/2023
  • Definition of wetlands
  • Exemptions from rules
  • Allowed  uses and permits
31 Watershed Management Rules for Determining Mean Water Level for Lakes and Ponds 12/30/2011
  • Mean water levels for Lake Champlain
  • Rules for mean water levels for lakes and ponds with and without natural outlets
32 Watershed Management Use of Public Waters Rules Effective 12/10/2021
33 Watershed Management Surface Level Rules Date Adopted is per waterbody
34 Watershed Management Combined Sewer Overflow Rule 9/15/2016
35 Waste Management & Prevention Investigation & Remediation of Contaminated Properties Rule 02/23/2024
  • Includes requirements for notification, investigation, corrective action and closure of properties where releases of hazardous materials occur.
  • Includes requirements for addressing Development Soils.
  • Includes Soil Screening Values, Vapor Intrusion Values and Sediment Values.
36 Watershed Management 2017 Vermont Stormwater Management Manual Rule 7/1/2017


36A Waste Management & Prevention Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Rule 11/21/2017
  • Process to assess injuries to natural resources
  • Provides alternatives for restoring injured natural resources
37 Water Investment Vermont Dam Safety Rule 08/01/2020
  • Definitions and authority of the Dam Safety Program
  • Required dam hazard classifications
  • Dam registration and inspection requirements
38 Air Quality and Climate Rule regarding the phase down of hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) in Vermont 12/15/2020
  • Required phase-out of HFCs in refrigeration, air conditioning, foam, and aerosol propellant end uses
39 Water Investment Clean Water Service Provider Rule 8/12/2021
  • This Rule assigns a Clean Water Service Provider, or "CWSP," to each wastershed planning basin described in 10 V.S.A. § 922(a) for the purpose of achieving pollutant reduction values established by the Secretary.
  • This rule also establishes requirements for the implementation of 10 V.S.A., Chapter 37, subchapter 5, related to the operational, financial, managerial, and technical requirements associated with CWSP service, as well as the governance structure for Basin Water Quality Councils (BWQCs).
  • The rule also proposes requirements related to conflicts of interest policy, oversight and evaluation of CWSP service, and renewal or removal of a CWSP assignment. 

Water Resources Panel note - Rules #29, #30 and #31 were originally adopted by the Vermont Water Resources Panel of the Natural Resources Board. In May 2012, the Vermont Legislature passed Act 138, which transfers certain rulemaking authority from the Water Resources Panel of the Vermont Natural Resources Board to the Agency of Natural Resources. The Agency is now responsible for rulemaking concerning the Vermont Water Quality Standards, Vermont Wetland Rules, Vermont Use of Public Water Rules, Vermont Surface Level Rules and the Vermont Rules Determining Mean Water Levels.