The most accurate AI detector, trusted by top organizations worldwide and backed by independent studies.
Certain platforms, like Grammarly, use ChatGPT and other genAI models for key functionalities and can be flagged as potential AI content. Read the article
The Copyleaks AI Detector offers over 99% accuracy, supports 30+ languages, and covers ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, plus newer models as they’re released.
Bundle with the award-winning Plagiarism Checker, and Writing Assistant to create a complete content suite.
A first of its kind, patent-pending innovation that provides comprehensive analysis around why text has been identified as AI. Greater transparency coupled with a deeper understanding of AI patterns and traces empowers authenticity and originality while helping ensure more confident decisioning.
Learn more about AI Insights.
Since 2015, our AI-powered engine has been learning the writing style of humans. We’ve collected and analyzed trillions of pages from user-submitted inputs and other sources.
The AI Content Detector is trained to recognize human writing patterns, flagging text as potential generative AI when it detects deviations from known human patterns and specific AI signals. This approach makes it the most accurate AI Content Detector on the market, at over 99%, accordingly to multiple independent third party studies.
Go beyond a simple ChatGPT Checker—get detection for all AI models, including Gemini, Claude, and any new models as they are released.
The AI Detector boasts over 99% accuracy and an industry-low false positive rate of just 0.2%.
All Copyleaks products boast military-grade security, GDPR compliance, and SOC 2 and SOC 3 certification.
The Copyleaks AI text detector can accurately spot AI-generated text, even when it’s carefully mixed with human writing.
Have full visibility of your content, identifying potential plagiarism or paraphrasing within AI-generated text.
Customize AI detection to suit you: Take a more general approach to reduce false positives or refine your search to uncover subtle changes, such as AI-generated content altered by a text spinner. Whatever the need, you’re covered.
The AI Detector thoroughly scans AI-generated code for potential issues, including licensing violations and security vulnerabilities.
Bring the power of the Copyleaks AI Detector to your native platform with seamless, fully white-labeled API integration.
Simple LMS integration empowers learning and originality while keeping everything you need in one convenient place.
See a full list of supported languages & accuracy.
Safeguard your AI system by ensuring your models are trained exclusively on human-written content, not AI-generated.
Check for AI writing and verify authenticity within all your academic content, from long-form essays to source code.
Mitigate risks, protect your copyright and IP, and establish guardrails for responsible GenAI adoption across your organization.
Preserve your intellectual property from unauthorized use and ensure full copyright compliance.
Ensure your intellectual property is protected from unauthorized use by large language models (LLMs).
Learn how Oakland University adopted Copyleaks and changed the conversation around AI and plagiarism among their faculty and staff.
Ease of use & Integration, Cost-effectiveness, Customer Support, Security
Lowell Christensen, CEO, SafeSearchKids
A comprehensive, all-in-one platform designed to ensure complete content integrity and transparency.
When a Language Model writes a sentence, it uses all its pre-training data to make a response based on statistics. This is significantly different from how humans write. To our AI writing detector, the presence of an AI text generator becomes clear when compared to a large collection of human writing.
We can detect the latest models of the following LLMs:
You can experience free AI detection on a trial basis by registering for a free Copyleaks account.
We can recognize AI text patterns utilizing multiple techniques.
Since 2015, we’ve collected, ingested, and analyzed trillions of crawled and user-sourced content pages. Our data comes from thousands of universities and enterprises worldwide. We use that data to train our models to understand how humans write.
Also, utilizing AI technology, the AI detector can accurately recognize the presence of other AI-generated text. It knows how to identify and flag the signals it leaves behind. That attention to detail adds a layer of accuracy to the process.
Learn more about our AI Detector testing methodologies.
Several significant differences exist between other AI detector tools and ours.
For example:
Our models need a certain volume of text to accurately determine the presence of AI. The higher the character count, the easier it is for our technology to determine irregular patterns, which results in a higher confidence rating for AI detection.
The ideal text requirements for each of our AI offerings are as follows:
AI Detector Browser Extension
Minimum: 350 characters
Maximum: 25,000 characters
AI Detector Web-Based Platform
Minimum: 255 characters
Maximum: 2,000 pages (There is no character maximum)
The likelihood of human-written content being mistakenly labeled as AI-generated is just 0.2%—the lowest among AI detectors.
We’re committed to fostering authenticity and digital trust by creating secure environments for idea-sharing and confident learning. Ensuring complete accuracy, especially in avoiding false accusations, is vital to this mission.
To address this, we’ve taken several precautions:
Yes. In July 2023, four researchers worldwide published a study on the Cornell Tech-owned arXiv. The study declared Copyleaks AI Detector the most accurate for checking and detecting large language models (LLM) generated text.
Since then, additional independent third-party studies have been released. Each one has highlighted the AI detector’s accuracy and efficiency.
Read more about these third-party studies.
Only certain features of writing assistants can cause your content to be flagged by the AI Detector.
For example, Grammarly has a genAI-driven feature that rewrites your content to help improve it, shorten it, etc. As a result, this reworked content could get flagged as AI since it was rewritten by genAI.
However, the Copyleaks Writing Assistant does not get flagged as AI. It won’t flag content that Grammarly changed to fix grammatical errors, mechanical issues, etc. This is because it does not use (or uses minimal) genAI to power these features.
Read the full analysis blog post here.
At Copyleaks, our products routinely verify privacy, security, and compliance control independently. We aim to achieve certifications against global standards. We believe this is the clearest way to earn and retain the trust of the millions of Copyleaks users worldwide.
Our current Copyleaks certifications and compliance standards include:
Please visit our Compliance and Certifications and Security Practices pages to learn more.
Yes. Our detection report highlights the specific elements of text written by humans and labels these separately from those written by AI, even if the text has been interspersed.
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