Under FOI, you have the right to request access to:
-Records holding your own personal information (regardless of when the record was created)
-Other records held by the Central Bank created since 21 April 2008
-Records created before 21 April 2008 if their release is necessary in order to understand another record created after that date.
However, please note that certain records held by the Central Bank are specifically exempt from release under the Freedom of Information Act 2014. These records include:
-Records held by the Central Bank which cannot be disclosed by law i.e. are prohibited from release by the Treaty of Rome, the ESCB Statute or Supervisory Directives
-Records containing confidential personal information relating to the financial or business affairs of any individual
-Confidential, financial, commercial or regulatory information of a regulated entity received by the Central Bank in the performance of its statutory functions
-Records which will be held on the Central Credit Register.
Additionally, in order to allow public bodies, such as the Central Bank, to carry out their core functions effectively, and to protect the rights of third parties, it will sometimes be necessary to withhold further types of records. Whether an exemption applies to a record will depend, in some cases, on whether the public interest is better served by releasing or withholding the record. These circumstances are outlined in the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
There are a number of key exemptions which are relevant to records held by the Central Bank, including:
-records relating to deliberative processes of public bodies
-confidential information
-commercially sensitive information
-personal information, where it relates to a person other than the requestor.
FOI requests may also be refused for a number of administrative reasons; for example, where the request is too voluminous or unclear, or where processing the request would cause a substantial and unreasonable interference with the work of the Central Bank. If this is the case for your request, the FOI Unit will contact you to assist you in clarifying or refining your request.
Where records are withheld, an explanation outlining why those records are exempt under FOI will be provided to you.