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GHG Inventory EU 15-01-2017


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Files in this envelope
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1 File icon 2017_01_15_EU-NIR_2017_final.pdf No access 02 Feb 2017 3.54 MB
2 File icon Annex_A_-_CP2_SEF_Tables.docx No access Annex_A_-_CP2_SEF_Tables.docx 15 Jan 2017 51.7 KB
3 File icon Annex_A_-_CSEUR.pdf No access Annex_A_-_CSEUR.pdf 15 Jan 2017 216 KB
4 File icon Annex_B_-_Changes_from_EUCR_v7.0.1-v8.0.7.xlsx No access Annex_B_-_Changes_from_EUCR_v7.0.1-v8.0.7.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 139 KB
5 File icon DEU_2016_7_Inventory_11012017_1014213271391322040348047.xml No access DEU_2016_7_Inventory_11012017_1014213271391322040348047.xml 15 Jan 2017 273 MB
6 File icon DEU_2017_1990_11012017_094715.xlsx DEU_2017_1990_11012017_094715.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 837 KB
7 File icon DEU_2017_1991_11012017_094818.xlsx DEU_2017_1991_11012017_094818.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 839 KB
8 File icon DEU_2017_1992_11012017_094924.xlsx DEU_2017_1992_11012017_094924.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 841 KB
9 File icon DEU_2017_1993_11012017_095028.xlsx DEU_2017_1993_11012017_095028.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 845 KB
10 File icon DEU_2017_1994_11012017_095131.xlsx DEU_2017_1994_11012017_095131.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 850 KB
11 File icon DEU_2017_1995_11012017_095233.xlsx DEU_2017_1995_11012017_095233.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 854 KB
12 File icon DEU_2017_1996_11012017_095336.xlsx DEU_2017_1996_11012017_095336.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 858 KB
13 File icon DEU_2017_1997_11012017_095441.xlsx DEU_2017_1997_11012017_095441.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 861 KB
14 File icon DEU_2017_1998_11012017_095546.xlsx DEU_2017_1998_11012017_095546.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 863 KB
15 File icon DEU_2017_1999_11012017_095650.xlsx DEU_2017_1999_11012017_095650.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 866 KB
16 File icon DEU_2017_2000_11012017_095757.xlsx DEU_2017_2000_11012017_095757.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 868 KB
17 File icon DEU_2017_2001_11012017_095903.xlsx DEU_2017_2001_11012017_095903.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 872 KB
18 File icon DEU_2017_2002_11012017_100006.xlsx DEU_2017_2002_11012017_100006.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 875 KB
19 File icon DEU_2017_2003_11012017_100110.xlsx DEU_2017_2003_11012017_100110.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 877 KB
20 File icon DEU_2017_2004_11012017_100213.xlsx DEU_2017_2004_11012017_100213.xlsx 15 Jan 2017 882 KB
1  2  previous | next > 1-20 of 35 items

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