Curated survey templates for actionable and insightful feedback

Collect feedback with confidence using our ready-to-use survey templates. Take the guesswork out of survey creation, and customize pre-built questionnaires for the entire customer journey and employee lifecycle.

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Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year


Customer survey templates

Improve customer satisfaction by actively listening and responding to customer feedback.
View customer survey templates in Delighted Surveys

Net Promoter Score Survey

Measure brand loyalty and segment customers with NPS surveys.

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Customer Satisfaction Score

Track and measure customer satisfaction with CSAT surveys.

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Customer Effort Score Survey

Measure the ease of your customer experience with CES surveys.

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5-Star Survey

Measure emotion or opinion on a subject on a 5-point rating scale.

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Customer Feedback Survey

Learn how your customers feel about and use your product or service.

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Post-Support Feedback Survey

Track customer escalations following support interactions.

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Knowledge Base Assessment

Improve your self-serve resources so they are as helpful as possible.

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Task Accomplishment Survey

Identify the specific tasks your customers are trying to complete.

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Enjoy the benefits of a streamlined survey experience

Seamless team collaboration

Empower your team to collaborate on the survey process – from the question design to the feedback results. Optimize your survey with feedback from colleagues or non-Delighted users using a shareable link.

Intuitive customization

Showcase your brand with simple, intuitive survey customizations. Add your logo, choose your colors and fonts, then craft welcome and thank-you messages for a delightful end-to-end survey experience.

Beautiful automatic summaries

Easily analyze and share survey data with pre-built reports and attractive charts. These digestible feedback summaries enable your team to access, discuss, and act on insights with clarity.

Powerful survey integrations

Ensure your feedback program works in tandem with your existing tools. Integrate your surveys with robust automation tools like Slack, Webhooks, Zapier, and Google Sheets to streamline your workflows.

Employee survey templates

Continually listen to employee feedback to increase engagement and reduce turnover.
View employee survey templates in Delighted Surveys

Employee Net Promoter Score

Keep a pulse on employee sentiment and track your score over time.

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Employee Engagement Survey

Measure and improve employee engagement to boost productivity.

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Employee Onboarding Survey

Get feedback on new employee onboarding and training experiences.

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360 Feedback Survey

Quickly identify where team members are excelling and areas for growth.

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Company Satisfaction Survey

Uncover how employees feel about your workplace so you can improve.

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Manager Feedback Survey

Increase manager effectiveness with real-time employee feedback.

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Employee Exit Survey

Reduce attrition by learning why employees leave your organization.

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Remote Work Survey

Discover how employees feel about remote work policies.

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Join 75,000+ of the world's most beloved brands

Marketing survey templates

Get to know your target audience to boost brand loyalty and awareness.
View marketing survey templates in Delighted Surveys

Brand Awareness Survey

Track the level of brand awareness in your target market.

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Post-Event Survey

Get valuable feedback from attendees to improve the next event.

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Post-Purchase Survey

Understand how your customers feel about your online shopping experience.

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How did you hear about us?

Discover how customers found your product to improve your strategies.

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Newsletter Feedback Survey

Find out what your readers love about your newsletter and how to optimize it.
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Testimonial Request Survey

Increase conversions by gathering and sharing powerful social proof.

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Marketing Site Survey

Make high-value fixes around your website with visitor feedback.

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Cart Abandonment Survey

Hear from customers on why they changed their mind to purchase.

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Product survey templates

Find out what your customers think about the product experience to improve retention.
View product survey templates in Delighted Surveys

Churn Survey

Understand why customers cancel and leverage those insights.

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Jobs to be Done Survey

Discover what your customers want to achieve with your product.

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Van Westendorp Survey

Use the industry-recognized method when making pricing decisions.

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Feature Request Survey

Give customers more of what they love from your products.

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New Product Validation Survey

Validate your new product in the market and iterate from the feedback.

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Post-Onboarding Survey

Create a seamless onboarding process for incoming customers.

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Price Sensitivity Survey

Optimize your pricing strategy by uncovering customer habits.

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Product Waitlist Survey

Invite loyal customers to know about and test new product features.

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“The survey experience is smooth – the Delighted product is easy to figure out, and creating and publishing a survey is so much simpler than what we’ve used before!”

Check out more of our popular survey templates

Want to explore more survey templates? Unlock valuable insights into your sales performance, student engagement, and user satisfaction.

Sales survey templates

Dig deeper into customer purchasing intent to improve sales tactics.

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Education survey templates

Get a read on how students feel with coursework and the classroom experience.

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UX survey templates

Gather user experience feedback to measure and improve your product usability.

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You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”