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Cole Remarks at FY25 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Bill Full Committee Markup

June 12, 2024

The United States has long been a world leader in global cooperation and stability. On the heels of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, we are reminded of that poignantly. Our collective security and the defense of democracy aren’t protected by hope—but by leadership and sustained vigilance. Our work on today’s Fiscal Year 2025 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act is part of that.

This legislation reflects our shared dedication to liberty, democracy, and prosperity. We responsibly ensure that Americans are safer at home and abroad and focus investments where they are needed most.

We prioritize programs to protect and enhance national security, to safeguard our national interests, to support our allies and partners, and to promote democracy and freedom. And we secure these critical objectives while reducing spending  from the previous fiscal year.

Further, the measure confronts authoritarian regimes and their expansionist threats that seek to undermine our nation and liberty-driven ideals. It stands with our friend and ally Israel as they face an existential threat from vicious terrorists; it backs partners in the Indo-Pacific region like Taiwan as they encounter aggression from Communist China; and it combats the scourge of fentanyl, which is destroying far too many lives in America.

Robust oversight and accountability of taxpayer dollars are also stressed. Funds for a variety of wasteful and divisive initiatives pushed by the Biden White House are rejected, including funding for ideological climate programs and organizations like the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the EcoHealth Alliance. 

We also uphold important religious freedom and long-standing pro-life protections and implement the expanded Mexico City Policy on all health funds in the bill.

All in all, today’s bill supports the United States as a world leader in freedom, prosperity, and peace.

I thank Chairman Diaz-Balart and Ranking Member Lee for their hard work on this measure, and I look forward to advancing this bill through the committee today.