GPIO Header for RaspberryPi A+/B+/Pi 2/Pi 3 - Tall 2x20 Female Header

Product ID: 1992
Qty Discount
1-9 $2.95
10-99 $2.66
100+ $2.36


Connect your own PCB to a Raspberry Pi B+ with this extra-tall female header. The female header part has extra spaces to make it 16.5mm tall: when placed on your Pi, a PCB will clear the Ethernet and USB jacks. This header has 3mm of pins, compared with our stacking version which is the same base height but has 10mm height instead. With 3mm you don't have to cut the really long pins, so its ideal for basic Pi plate design

You'll get one header per order.

Note: The Raspberry Pi Model A+, Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 are also compatible with this product!

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Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 5mm x 51mm x 16.5mm / 0.2" x 2" x 0.65"
  • Pins: 3mm
  • Weight: 5.6g
  • Datasheet
RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant
RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant


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