- Sydney, Australia
- http://www.jboy.me
jboy / ffprobe3-python3
Forked from gbstack/ffprobe-pythonA Python3 wrapper-library around the 'ffprobe' command-line program to extract metadata from media files or streams.
libheif is an HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder.
Python's Filesystem abstraction layer
Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
py-pdf / fpdf2
Forked from reingart/pyfpdfSimple PDF generation for Python
Command-line Python3 programs to configure/control the Linux Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer.
A Python3 decorator for automated checking of function-call argument types/values using std-lib ‘inspect'.
Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust
RuSh aims to be a bash compatible shell with candies, written in Rust.
A static, type inferred and embeddable language written in Rust.
Decimal number implementation written in pure Rust suitable for financial and fixed-precision calculations.
A hacker-like, highly-customizable theme for note-keeping, personal-website or CV.
A libray/program that gives information about oom scores
Script to configure and manage Linux Out-Of-Memory killer
Python and bash scripts to analyze all system process oom_scores and sort by the highest value (most likely to get killed)
Out Of Memory Analyzer can be used to obtain and summarize "out of memory" issues logged by a Linux kernel (when oom-killer is invoked)
Repository for ipython notebooks demonstrating functionality of pygplates
A website used to provide web based search tools for nim-lang's package manager Nimble.
Unsorted Nim code that I wrote for some reason (largely Rosetta Code)