✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
A Sentry plugin to allow Sentry report interception and further inspection of the data being sent
Node.js implementation of the stable marriage problem
Pregnancy monitor queue scheduler specially designed for High-Risk Dept. at hospitals
Simple and generic JavaScript class to handle REST API calls
A Gulp task which scans your JavaScript classes, including React JSX files support ( .jsx / .js ), your CSS files, and gives you a report of CSS coverage. .i.e how many class names are needless and…
A Gulp task which scans your react classes ( .js / .jsx ), your CSS files, and gives you a report of CSS coverage. .i.e how many class names are needless and which are those class names
A Sass module to build responsive grid systems
An iOS version of the NSTokenField (See To: field in Mail and Messages).