From the course: Wireshark Essential Training

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Discovering shortcuts

Discovering shortcuts

- [Instructor] So I want to open up a TCP example. And once I open this up, we'll just do a couple of things with the display filter. And this is where, again, you'll take a look at Apply the Display Filter. Now there's a lot of things that we can do as far as providing a display, and I'll just type TCP. And again, it's turning green, so that means it's okay. And we'll see a lot of traffic in there. But within Wireshark, there's a lot of really nice shortcuts that I can do in order for me to create a filter. I'll go to this frame 17, which is ICMP, destination unreachable, port unreachable. Now, if you scroll up here and you drop this down, we see that it's the Type 3 destination unreachable, Code 3 port unreachable. Now, if I right click, I can do a shortcut, Prepares a Filter, Selected. When I say Prepares a Filter, that puts it up there. It doesn't run it, so I'll just put that up there. And as you see, ICMP code…
