From the course: Wireshark Essential Training

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Discovering ICMPv6

Discovering ICMPv6

- [Instructor] IMP version six, like ICNP version four, resides at the network layer of the OSI model. ICMP version six is a very important protocol. It must be implemented by every IP module. Now we've said this before, but now let's take a look, we'll go to the source. I'm at RFC 4443. And then right here, it states ICMP version six is an integral part of IP version six, and the base protocol must be fully implemented by every IP version six node. Now just like ICMP version four, node data is exchanged. It's used to communicate updates or error messages, and it's also used by the ping utility echo request/echo reply. Now here we see the IP datagram where we see the IP version six header followed by the ICMP version six message. Now that ICMP message is just like IP version four, where you see the type, the code, the checksum, and then the contents will depend on the type and the code. But unlike ICMP version four,…
