From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Troubleshooting Group Policy

Troubleshooting Group Policy - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 11: Administration

Troubleshooting Group Policy

- [Instructor] In this section, I'm going to be talking about troubleshooting group policy. So if group policy is not applying the way you think it should, probably the first thing you should do is reboot because some settings are only applied when the machine first boots up. But after a reboot, if you're still not getting what you expected, Microsoft has a command line tool that will help us to see which policies are being applied and the success and failure of those settings. So off the Start menu, I'll type in cmd. And I'll be given the option to open the Command Prompt application. I'll click on that. The command I'm going to run is called GPresult. And after typing that in, I'll put a space and then a /h. And that tells the machine I would like the report in HTML format. Then another space and the name of the file you would like to create. So I'm going to call mine GPresult.html. So again, it's GPresult /h…
