From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

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Use bundled applications

Use bundled applications

- [Instructor] Windows comes with several bundled applications already installed. You will have plenty to work with before you even get to installing new applications. Let's open up a few of these. I'll start by going to the start menu, and I'm going to open the Maps application, and let's go back to the start menu and I also want to open up Weather. So I have both of these open and I'll just move them so I can see both of them. Now every application has a different job so the interface is always different. But I want to show you a few things to look for. The Maps application has a toolbar up at the top, and a menu which is identified by this little button with three dots on it. That's pretty common. Now another common but different interface is what we see over here in Weather. A simple sidebar on the left with the tools and the actions that you'll need. When you use a new application, I want you to look for…
