From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

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Install applications from Microsoft Store

Install applications from Microsoft Store

From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

Install applications from Microsoft Store

- There are a few ways to install new applications in Windows. If you can find the application that you need in the Microsoft Store, it's probably the best way to go. You may have the Microsoft Store pin to the task bar, or you can go into the Start menu and it will be sorted under Microsoft Store. So I'll launch that and I'm going to maximize it so we can see things a little easier. And we're going to be focusing on buying apps for the computer. There are other options here but we'll be sticking with apps. Some apps are free and some cost money. Either way before you can buy or download an app, you will need to be signed in with a Microsoft online account. So take a look at the toolbar up at the top, find this button that looks like a little silhouette, click on that and you'll see your account information. If you sign into your computer using your Microsoft online account, you will automatically be signed in here and…
