From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

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Browse through folders

Browse through folders

- Most people store documents, pictures, and other types of files on the hard drive of their computer, like a filing cabinet that you might have in your office. File Explorer is the tool that you use to browse through those files and folders. Now, I have an icon for File Explorer down here in the task bar so it's very easy to get to. If you do not have that pinned to the task bar, you can find it by going into the start menu. Here in the start menu, I'll scroll all the way down to this folder called Windows System and inside of that, you can find the File Explorer. So you could launch it from here. It's much easier if you have it pinned to the task bar, so you can always right click on it, go to more and choose to pin it to the task bar if it's not already there. With that in mind, let's open up File Explorer. So this is the File Explorer window. On the sidebar on the left, I can select a location, then on the right,…
