From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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File History

File History

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about Backup and Restore in Windows 10. We have a few different options on how to backup our files in Windows 10, going to talk about a few of these. The first one is using a technology called File History. This seems to be the preferred way that Microsoft would like us to backup our files. File History automatically creates copies of files on a schedule. By default, once an hour, the machine will check to see if a file has changed, and if it has, it'll make a copy of it. Then, through a fairly simple interface, we can look at the history of this file and see various changes on it and restore any of those historical changes to the current location or to a new location. This does require a second hard drive and it's preferably an external hard drive. Windows 10 also includes a feature called Backup and Restore. The current Backup and Restore technology was introduced in Windows 7, was then removed in Windows 8.1, and then it returns…
