From the course: UX Foundations: Research

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Synthesizing data

Synthesizing data

- Once you've gathered your data and identified individual potential insights, the next step is to begin assessing what you have and translating into meaningful insights. If you've collected quantitative data, remember that synthesis is going to consist of numeric computations. You might be looking for things like averages or percentages. Most of the time you don't need rigorous statistical analysis in UX research contexts. Also, most quantitative tools have some built-in analysis and charting functions. For instance, a lot of survey tools will be able to tell you the average of a rating question or give you a breakdown of how many participants answered a certain way. While this information is valuable, you won't get the full picture if you stop there. Let's say that you ask participants to rate their experience with an e-commerce site on a scale of one to seven. Maybe the average is right in the middle at a 3.5, but…
